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Enable Django CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) Headers configuration

Luca Lianas edited this page Nov 25, 2016 · 2 revisions

Installing Django CORS headers module

In order to enable CORS Headers to integrate ome_seadragon backend with a OpenSeadragon viewer embedded in a web page on a different domain to the one that hosts OMERO.web, we suggest to use the django-cors-header module.

Install the module using PIP

pip install django-cors-headers

On the [OME_HOME]/lib/python/omeroweb/ file add the module to the installed apps


and add the middleware to the available ones


Note that CorsMiddleware needs to come before Django's CommonMiddleware if you are using Django's USE_ETAGS = True setting, otherwise the CORS headers will be lost from the 304 not-modified responses, causing errors in some browsers.

Module can be configured in the same file as well, add configuration parameters just before the block

# Load server list and freeze
from connector import Server

def load_server_list():
    for s in SERVER_LIST:  # from CUSTOM_SETTINGS_MAPPINGS  # noqa
        server = (len(s) > 2) and unicode(s[2]) or None
        Server(host=unicode(s[0]), port=int(s[1]), server=server)

If, for example, you want to allow only one domain to be able to comunicate with the backend your setup will be



Avoiding the "too many open files error"

The intensive usage of the random library by the CORS headers plugin can produce the error

OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: '/dev/urandom'

To solve this issue it is necessary to update the /etc/security/limit.conf file to ensure a value of 65535 open files like this example

#<domain>                      <type>  <item>         <value>
<omero_srv_user>               soft     nofile          65535
<omero_srv_user>               hard     nofile          65535

where <omero_srv_user> is the user running OMERO on your server.

The server must be restarted in order to make this change effective.