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Essentials for ESP32

MQTT, WiFi, persistent configuration, web server and other useful things for ESP32. Main idea of Essentials is build your MQTT API easily:


es::Mqtt mqtt{...};
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<es::Mqtt::Subscription>> subscribers;

// value subscription
int myValue = 0;
subscribers.emplace_back(mqtt.subscribe("number", es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, myValue));

// multiple subscriptions to same topic 'number'
std::string myText{};
subscribers.emplace_back(mqtt.subscribe("number", es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, myText));

// generic publish for string, int, float, double, bool
mqtt.publish("my/topic/int", 42, es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, false /*isRetained*/);

// lambda subscription to a generic value type (string, string_view, int, float, double and bool supported)
  mqtt.subscribe<int>("number", es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, [](std::optional<int> value) {
    if (value) {
      printf("got number value: %d\n", *value);

// lambda subscription with publish
  mqtt.subscribe("ping", es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, [&mqtt](std::string_view data) {
    std::string text = std::string{data};
    printf("got ping: %s\n", text.c_str());
    mqtt.publish("pong", "Pinging back :)", es::Mqtt::Qos::Qos0, false);


es::Wifi wifi;

wifi.setConnectCallback([]() { printf("Successfully connected to wifi\n"); });
wifi.setDisconnectCallback([]() { printf("Disconnected from wifi\n"); });

wifi.connect("My SSID", "my password");


if (!wifi.isConnected()) {
  printf("Couldn't connect to the wifi. Starting WiFi AP.\n");
  wifi.startAccessPoint("esp32", "12345678", es::Wifi::Channel::Channel5);

while (true) {
  std::optional<es::Ipv4Address> ip = wifi.ipv4();
  if (ip) {
    printf("IP: %s\n", ip->toString().c_str());
  } else {
    printf("Don't have IP\n");

Persistent config and web server for basic settings

es::Esp32Storage configStorage{"config"};
es::Config config{configStorage};

auto ssid = config.get<std::string>("ssid");
auto wifiPass = config.get<std::string>("wifiPass");
auto myValue = config.get<std::string>("myValue");

es::Esp32Storage mqttStorage{"mqtt"};
es::Config mqttConfig{mqttStorage};
auto mqttUrl = mqttConfig.get<std::string>("url");
auto mqttUser = mqttConfig.get<std::string>("user");
auto mqttPass = mqttConfig.get<std::string>("pass");

es::Wifi wifi;
es::SettingsServer settingsServer{80,
  "My App",
    // fields for web app
    {"WiFi SSID", ssid},
    {"WiFi Password", wifiPass},
    {"MQTT URL", mqttUrl},
    {"MQTT Username", mqttUser},
    {"MQTT Password", mqttPass},

wifi.startAccessPoint("esp32", "12345678", es::Wifi::Channel::Channel5);


es::SettingsServer serves web app with custom fields which will be saved into persistent storage: Settings Server

See more in examples.

How to use

  1. Download esp-idf v4.3. There is a handy extension for VSCode which installs all stuff you need.

  2. Add this repo as a submodule into components folder:

    cd my-esp-idf-project/
    git submodule add components/essentials/
    ├── components/
    │   ├── essentials/ <--
    │   └── ...another components...
    ├── main/
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   └── main.cpp
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── sdkconfig
    └── partitions.csv
  3. Add binary data of web settings app and C++20 support into root CMakeLists.txt:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) # <--
    target_add_binary_data(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf "components/essentials/resources/web/dist/app.js.gz" TEXT) # <-- (only needed by `essentials::SettingsServer`)
    target_add_binary_data(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf "components/essentials/resources/web/dist/index.html.gz" TEXT) # <-- (only needed by `essentials::SettingsServer`)
  4. Enable exceptions in menuconfig

  5. Add REQUIRES into your main CMakeLists.txt:

        SRCS "main.cpp"
        REQUIRES essentials
  6. Build

  7. Inspire from examples



  • Migrate to esp-idf v4.1
  • Fix Esp32Storage::clear() - it mustn't clear all NVS
  • Add wait for MQTT connection feature with timeout (similar as Wifi)
  • Add more device info
  • MQTT subscription to multi and single level (heavy feature, maybe YAGNI)
  • Check all error codes and throw
  • Make settings web server simpler without enormous number of route handlers
  • Make settings web app smaller (overkilled by Vue.js)
  • Add tests
  • Use std::span when will be supported by esp-idf toolchain
  • Use std::to_chars and std::from_chars for floating point types when will be implemented in GCC
  • Migrate to esp-idf v4.3