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Lexart Full Stack Javascript Developer Challenger

This project was developed as a technical challenge for the Lexart junior full-stack developer position. It is a full-stack web application designed for product management.

Live Deployment

The application is currently deployed and accessible at this link ↗️. The application is fully deployed at

Run locally

  1. First of all, you need to have the Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  2. Ensure that ports 3000, 3001 and 5432 on your computer are available; otherwise, errors may occur.
  3. Install all dependencies running:
  npm run install:all
  1. Inside each directory there is a .env.example file that you can configure manually or run the command:
  npm run setup:env
  1. Finally run:
  npm run docker:up


Now just go to localhost:3000 that you will see something like that:

healthy frontend

And go to localhost:3001 that you will see something like that:

healthy backend

The application will spin up three containers: one for the backend, one for the frontend, and one for the database.

Database structure

See more The database used was Postgres for its speed, versatility and easy use. The structure chosen was as follows.


API Documentation

See more

Create a new account

#f03c15 Β POST

Parameter Type Description
username string At least 3 characters.
password string At least 5 characters.
Expected return
  • status code 201
  "id": 1,
  "username": "Jorel",
  "token": "exampletoken.exampletoken.exampletoken"

Log into

#f03c15 Β POST

Parameter Type Description
username string At least 3 characters.
password string At least 5 characters.
Expected return
  • status code 200
  "id": 1,
  "username": "example",
  "token": "exampletoken.exampletoken.exampletoken"

Create a new product πŸ”’

Token is required on Authorization header. Ex: Baerer ${token}

#f03c15 Β POST

this route accept three different structures
  1. First structure
  "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
  "brand": "Xiaomi",
  "model": "Redmi 9",
  "price": 10000,
  "color": "red"
  1. Second structure
  "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
  "price": 10000,
  "details": {
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "color": "red"
  1. Third structure
    "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "data": [
        "price": 10000,
        "color": "red"
        "price": 10000,
        "color": "blue"
    "name": "Iphone 14 Pro",
    "brand": "Iphone",
    "model": "14 Pro",
    "data": [
        "price": 30000,
        "color": "silver"
        "price": 30100,
        "color": "gold"
Parameter Type Description
name string At least 1 characters.
brand string At least 1 characters.
model string At least 1 characters.
color string At least 1 characters.
price number Is required.
Expected return
  • status code 201

this route can return two different structures

  1. First structure
  "id": 1
  "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
  "brand": "Xiaomi",
  "model": "Redmi 9",
  "price": 10000,
  "color": "red",
  "userId": 1
  1. Second structure
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "price": 10000,
    "color": "red",
    "userId": 1
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "price": 10000,
    "color": "blue",
    "userId": 1
    "id": 7,
    "name": "Iphone 14 Pro",
    "brand": "Iphone",
    "model": "14 Pro",
    "price": 30000,
    "color": "silver",
    "userId": 1
    "id": 8,
    "name": "Iphone 14 Pro",
    "brand": "Iphone",
    "model": "14 Pro",
    "price": 30100,
    "color": "gold",
    "userId": 1

Get all products of user πŸ”’

Token is required on Authorization header. Ex: Baerer ${token}

#f03c15 Β GET

Expected return
  • status code 200
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "price": 10000,
    "color": "red",
    "id": 6,
    "name": "Xiaomi Redmi 9",
    "brand": "Xiaomi",
    "model": "Redmi 9",
    "price": 10000,
    "color": "blue",
    "id": 7,
    "name": "Iphone 14 Pro",
    "brand": "Iphone",
    "model": "14 Pro",
    "price": 30000,
    "color": "silver",
    "id": 8,
    "name": "Iphone 14 Pro",
    "brand": "Iphone",
    "model": "14 Pro",
    "price": 30100,
    "color": "gold",

Update a product πŸ”’

Token is required on Authorization header. Ex: Baerer ${token}

#f03c15 Β PUT

Parameter Type Description
id number Is required.
name string At least 1 characters.
brand string At least 1 characters.
model string At least 1 characters.
color string At least 1 characters.
price number At least 1 characters.
Expected return
  • status code 200
  "id": 4,
  "name": "Xiaomi Poco F3",
  "price": 2000,
  "brand": "Xiaomi",
  "model": "Poco F3",
  "color": "Blue"

Delete a product πŸ”’

Token is required on Authorization header. Ex: Baerer ${token}

#f03c15 Β DELETE

Expected return
  • status code 204
empty return

Get a user πŸ”’

Token is required on Authorization header. Ex: Baerer ${token}

#f03c15 Β GET

Expected return
  • status code 200
  "username": "Jorel"


See more

The API tests were run by the Mocha, Chai, and Sinon. Also nyc librarie that test file coverage. There are both integration and unit tests for better security in future updates.


To run tests coverage use:

  npm run test:api:coverage

If all happens well, you will see something like that: preview-test-api-coverage

Design Pattern

See more

MSC Design Pattern in API Development


The MSC (Model, Service, Controller) architectural pattern provides a structured approach to building APIs by segregating responsibilities into distinct layers: Model, Service, and Controller. This separation enhances maintainability, facilitates easier troubleshooting, and promotes scalability within the application.


The Model layer serves as the interface for database interactions. It encapsulates all database-related operations, such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. By handling these tasks, the Model ensures data integrity and consistency while abstracting the database complexity from other layers.


The Service layer encapsulates the business logic and rules of the application. It utilizes the functionalities provided by the Model layer and implements the core logic required to process requests. This layer orchestrates different operations, enforces business rules, and acts as an intermediary between the Controller and the Model.


The Controller layer serves as the entry point for incoming requests and handles the interaction with the client. It receives requests, processes input data, calls the appropriate Service methods, and generates responses to send back to the client. The Controller ensures that the responses adhere to the required format and contain the necessary information.


  • Maintainability: The separation of concerns allows for easier maintenance and updates. Each layer can be modified or expanded without affecting the others, facilitating code management.
  • Scalability: The modular structure enables easy scalability as different layers can be scaled independently based on the application's requirements.
  • Testing: The distinct layers facilitate unit testing, as each layer can be tested separately, promoting better test coverage and reliability.

Password security

See more

The API use Bcrypt the keep your password safe even if the database have a invasion.
The database dashboard:


Others details

Both the /frontend and /backend folders have their respective for some more details. Visit to find out more.

Thank you for your attention.