Shakti Standard Format (SSF) is a representation for storing linguistic analysis of natural languages. Its widely being used for storing treebank annotations of Indian Languages. However, in order to train dependency parsers on treebank annotations, the annotations should be in CONLL format. The SSF-to-CONLL convertor facilitates this conversion.
How to use?
bash <input (file|directory)> <output file> <log file> <annotation type (intra|inter)>
Input Data Format: Intra-Chunk vs Inter-Chunk
Inter-Chunk dependecies should be formated as in the sentence below:
<Sentence id='1'>
1 (( NP <fs name='NP' drel='k1:VGF'>
1.1 mEM PRP <fs af='mEM,pn,any,sg,1,d,0,0' name='mEM' posn='10'>
1.2 wo RP <fs af='wo,avy,,,,,,' name='wo' posn='20'>
2 (( NP <fs name='NP2' drel='k1s:VGF'>
2.1 axanA JJ <fs af='axanA,adj,m,sg,,d,,' name='axanA' posn='30'>
2.2 sA RP <fs af='sA,avy,m,sg,,d,,' name='sA' posn='40'>
2.3 iMsAna NN <fs af='iMsAna,n,m,sg,3,d,0,0' name='iMsAna' posn='50'>
3 (( VGF <fs name='VGF' stype='declarative' voicetype='active'>
3.1 hUM VM <fs af='hE,v,any,sg,1,,hE,hE' name='hUM' posn='60'>
4 (( BLK <fs name='BLK' drel='rsym:VGF'>
4.1 . SYM <fs af='.,punc,,,,,,' name='.' posn='70'>
While Intra-Chunk dependencies should be in the expanded SSF format:
<Sentence id='2'>
1 Kusa JJ <fs af='Kusa,adj,any,any,,,,' drel='pof:raha' posn='10' name='Kusa' chunkId='JJP' chunkType='head:JJP'>
2 raha VM <fs af='raha,v,any,sg,2,,0,0' stype='declarative' posn='20' voicetype='active' name='raha' chunkId='VGF' chunkType='head:VGF'>
3 XUlIcanxa NNP <fs af='XUlIcanxa,n,m,sg,3,d,0,0' drel='rad:raha' posn='30' name='XUlIcanxa' chunkId='NP' chunkType='head:NP'>
4 . SYM <fs af='.,punc,,,,,,' drel='rsym:raha' posn='40' name='.' chunkId='BLK' chunkType='head:BLK'>
Output of Sentence 2 in CONLL would look like:
1 Kusa Kusa adj JJ cat-adj|gen-any|num-any|pers-|case-|vib-|tam-|chunkId-JJP|chunkType-head|stype-|voicetype- 2 pof _ _
2 raha raha v VM cat-v|gen-any|num-sg|pers-2|case-|vib-0|tam-0|chunkId-VGF|chunkType-head|stype-declarative|voicetype-active 0 main _ _
3 XUlIcanxa XUlIcanxa n NNP cat-n|gen-m|num-sg|pers-3|case-d|vib-0|tam-0|chunkId-NP|chunkType-head|stype-|voicetype- 2 rad _ _
4 . . punc SYM cat-punc|gen-|num-|pers-|case-|vib-|tam-|chunkId-BLK|chunkType-head|stype-|voicetype- 2 rsym _ _
Following are the dependencies of the convertor:
1. headcomputation
2. vibhakticomputation
Run the command in main directory:
make install