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Vagrant Scripts to configure WSO2 Products

Required products:

Folder Structure

    1. API-M with Petstore-Pizzashack --> basic exercise with API Manager (monolithic, not micro)
    1. API-M Microintegrator --> exercise with Microintegrator
    1. API-M Microgateway --> exercise with API Manager Microgateway

How to enable shared directory (optional)

  • create vagrant_data directory in your user home directory
  • type this command in a terminal: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  • insert these lines in the Vagrantfile: config.vbguest.installer_options = { allow_kernel_upgrade: true } config.vm.synced_folder "~/vagrant_data", "/vagrant_data"

How to run WSO2 API-Manager

  • open a CMD.exe prompt
  • CD to the API-M folder
  • start Vagrant with the command: vagrant up
  • the first time it will create and start the VM, but an error occurs, so you need again to: vagrant up (again, just first time)
  • once it's running, connect to the VM: vagrant ssh You are username=vagrant, password=vagrant
  • Manual start-up:
  • in the VM, CD to the directory: cd /opt/wso2/wso2am/bin
  • (optionally remove all Windows batch files: rm *.bat)
  • in the VM, start the API Manager: ./
  • the application will start, and take about 2-5 minutes to complete startup
  • Automatic start-up There is a system.d configuration that starts up the API Manager automatically. To stop/restart you can use: systemctl stop/start/status api-manager
  • once that is done, open a browser in the host (Windows) and connect in multiple tabs to the URLs shown in the next section

How to connect to API Manager consoles

  • You noticed during startup (towards the end) these lines in the log: [2021-10-08 09:51:56,543] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent Mgt Console URL : https://localhost:9443/carbon/ [2021-10-08 09:51:56,544] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent API Developer Portal Default Context : https://localhost:9443/devportal [2021-10-08 09:51:56,544] INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent API Publisher Default Context : https://localhost:9443/publisher
  • connect in multiple tabs to the URLs shown in the log file
  • username and passwords: Admin / Admin

How to stop WSO2 API-Manager

  • in the previously opened CMD prompt, press CTRL-C and wait a few seconds until the program ends
  • you're still inside the VM, press CTRL-D to quit (and return to Windows command prompt)
  • stop the VM with this command vagrant halt

How to clean-up used disk space

  • open a CMD.exe prompt
  • CD to the API-M folder
  • delete the VM with this command: vagrant destroy
  • optionally delete the centos/8 box with these commands: vagrant box list (it should have centos/8) vagrant box remove centos/8 vagrant box list (now it should be empty)

Example how to use the xmlstarlet program

echo $ROLE": configuring thrift for analytics" XMLFILE=$FILE/repository/conf/api-manager.xml xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u //Analytics/Enabled -v $ANALYTICS $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u //Analytics/StreamProcessorServerURL -v '{tcp://noded:7612}' $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -a //Analytics/StreamProcessorServerURL -t elem -n StreamProcessorAuthServerURL -v '{ssl://noded:7712}' $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u //Analytics/StreamProcessorRestApiURL -v 'https://noded:7444' $XMLFILE XMLFILE=$FILE/repository/conf/output-event-adapters.xml xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u "//adapterConfig[@type='wso2event']/property[@key='default.thrift.tcp.url']" -v 'tcp://noded:7612' $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u "//adapterConfig[@type='wso2event']/property[@key='default.thrift.ssl.url']" -v 'ssl://noded:7712' $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u "//adapterConfig[@type='wso2event']/property[@key='default.binary.tcp.url']" -v 'tcp://noded:7612' $XMLFILE xmlstarlet ed --inplace -P -u "//adapterConfig[@type='wso2event']/property[@key='default.binary.ssl.url']" -v 'ssl://noded:7712' $XMLFILE

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Vagrant Scripts to configure WSO2 Products






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