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wpforo The best multi-layout bulletin board forum plugin for WordPress

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=== wpForo Forum ===
Contributors: gVectors Team
Tags: forum, forums, forum plugin, WordPress forum plugin, community, discussion
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 1.4.5
Requires PHP: 5.4 and higher
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Number one WordPress forum plugin. Full-fledged forum solution with modern and responsive forum design. Community builder WordPress forum plugin.

== Description ==

wpForo Forums is the best WordPress forum plugin. Full-fledged yet easy and light forum solution for your WordPress website. Comes with modern and responsive forum layouts and styles. This WordPress forum plugin brings everything you need to run an efficient and professional community. Powerful and beautiful forum with unique features.

= 5 Minute Forum Installation! = 

	1. Activate plugin and find forums on /community/ page, (/community-2/ if /community/ is used),
	2. Manage Forums in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page,
	3. Manage Forum Menu in Dashboard > Appearance > Menu admin page,
	4. Manage Forum Widgets in Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets admin page,
	5. Manage Forum Colors in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, you can choose forum color styles.

Support Forum and Demo: [](
Forum Documentation: [](

= Multi-layout WordPress Forum Plugin = 

1. [**Extended Forum Layout**](
2. [**Simplified Forum Layout**](
3. [**Question and Answer Forum Layout**](

= Available Forum Translations =

**Czech** , **Dutch**, **French**, **French**, **German**, **Hebrew**, **Japanese**, **Persian**, **Portuguese**, **Polish**, **Russian**, **Spanish** , **Spanish** , **Swedish**, **Korean**.


* Designed for small and extremely large forums/communities.
* Multi-layout forum design.
* Super responsive forum on all kind of devices.
* Built-in forum SEO functions.
* Built-in forum Cache System.
* Built-in forum Antispam and Akismet integration.
* Advanced forum user profile system.
* Forum Member Rating and Badges.
* Built-in forum/topic subscription. 
* Drag and Drop forum management system.
* Topic and Post front-end moderation.
* Forum styles with different colors.
* Built-in, powerful forum Usergroup system.
* Forum Access sets per Usergroup per Forum.
* Forum Phrase System for quick translation. 
* WordPress .MO/.PO translation files. 
* Easy to migrate with [Go2wpForo]( tool.

= Need more forum features? =

Find wpForo forum plugin addons on [gVectors Team website...](

== Installation ==

1. Install wpForo Forum plugin in Dashboard > Plugins admin page. Then activate it.
2. If you have more than 100 users wpForo forum plugin prompts you synchronize users.
3. Manage Forums in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page,
4. Manage Forum Menu in Dashboard > Appearance > Menu admin page,
5. Manage Forum Colors in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, you can choose forum color styles.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Forum Page - How to change forum page? =

**Forum Page** - wpForo creates a forum page with `/community/` slug. Forum URL can be changed in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > General Tab. Make sure you use WordPress permalinks. wpForo forums don't work with default `?p=1` URL structure. Forum page only contains [wpforo] forum shortcode.

= Forum Menu - How to manage forum menu? =  

**Forum Menu** - wpForo forum menu is a regular WordPress menu. In Dashboard > Appearance > Menu admin page wpForo forum creates new navigation menu (forum top menu bar) called "wpForo Navigation (wpForo Menu)". Forum menu is attached to wpForo Menu location.

= Forum Sidebar - Does forum has sidebar and widgets? =  

**Forum Sidebar and Widgets** - wpForo forum comes with own right (RTL left) sidebar and widgets (Recent Forum Topics, Recent Forum Posts, Forum Search, Forum Online Users).

= Forum Layouts - What is forum layout? =

**Forum Layouts** - wpForo Forums has Forum Layouts and allows to create hybrid forums. wpForo theme has built in multi-layout system. Each forum section (category with forums and subForums) can be displayed with different forum layout. 

= Forum Manager - How to add / edit/ delete forums? = 

**Forum Manager** - You can add new category, forum or subForum in Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page. The Forum add / Forum edit / Forum Delete / Forum Hierarchy can be managed on the same admin page.

= Forum Shortcodes - What shortcodes are available? = 

**Forum Shortcodes** - Started from version 1.0.0 you can use wpForo shortcodes.

= Forum Styles - How to change forum colors? =

**Forum Styles** - Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page. Here you can find wpForo forum front-end colors and styles. You can choose forum colors: default (blue), red, green, orange, grey, dark. You can select forum color set or customize each color manually.

= Forum Member - How to manage forum members? = 

**Forum Member** - Forum Members are the same WordPress users. wpForo forums is fully integrated with WordPress. It comes with own Forum Login and Forum Registration page. Users get an advanced Forum Profile. You can manage all members in Dashboard > Forums > Members admin page. 

= Forum Reputation - What is forum member reputation and badges? = 

**Forum Member Badges and Reputation** - wpForo forum has a simple yet powerful user reputation system. Currently it based on number of forum posts.

= Forum Accesses - How to allow/restrict users to certain forums? = 

**Forum Access and Permissions** - Forum Accesses are different sets of forum permissions (CAN's) designed to help forum admins control (allow/restrict) Users' actions in each forum. 

= Forum Usergroups - What is forum users' Usergroup? = 

**Forum Usergroups and Permissions** - In order to have an extended forum user permission system with full control over all forum user actions, wpForo comes with own Forum Usergroup system.

= Forum Translation - How to translate this forum? = 

**Forum Translation** - wpForo forum can be translated using PO/MO files or you can do a quick translation using wpForo Forum Phrase system in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page.

== Screenshots ==

1. Forum list - "Extended" layout (layout #1) | Screenshot #1
2. Forum list - "Simplified" layout (layout #2) | Screenshot #2
3. Forum list - "Question & Answer" layout (layout #3) | Screenshot #3
4. Forum Topic list - "Extended" layout | Screenshot #4
5. Forum Topic list - "Simplified" layout | Screenshot #5
6. Forum Topic list - "Question & Answer" layout | Screenshot #6
7. Forum Post list - "Extended" layout | Screenshot #7
8. Forum Post list - "Simplified" layout | Screenshot #8
9. Forum Post list - "Question & Answer" | Screenshot #9
10. Forum Profile Page - integrated with Shop and Profile plugins | Screenshot #10
11. Forum Member List | Screenshot #11
12. Dashboard > Forums - Drag and Drop forum management system. Easy to set Parent-Child relationship and forum order. | Screenshot #12
13. Dashboard > Forums - General Settings | Screenshot #13
14. Dashboard > Forums - Members Settings | Screenshot #14
15. Dashboard > Forums - Forum Styles, Colors | Screenshot #15
16. Dashboard > Forums - Forum Accesses / Can's | Screenshot #16

== Changelog ==

= wpForo Forum 1.4.4 / / 1.4.5 | 11.01.2018 =

[wpForo v1.4.5 Release Summary](
[wpForo v1.4.4 / Release Summary](

IMPORTANT: If you're updating from 1.4.2 or lower versions and you have customized wpforo template files in WordPress active theme's /wpforo/ folder, please remove those before updating. wpForo 1.4.4 doesn't support old template files. 

* 1.4.5
* Added: Option in Usergroup settings to display / Hide on Members list
* Changed: Recent Posts topic view
* Fixed Bug: Avatar size in widget
* ---------------
* 1.4.4 /
* Added: Guest Posting
* Added: Guest can subscribe to topics and forums
* Added: Guest can edit own topics and posts
* Added: Guest can quote others topics and posts
* Added: Guest can attach files and set own topic as resolved
* Added: Built-in Google reCAPTCHA API
* Added: Secure guest posting with Google reCAPTCHA human verification
* Added: reCAPTCHA on WP and wpForo login/register and reset password forms
* Added: Google reCAPTCHA settings on Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page
* Added: Redesigned Login / Register and reset Password pages
* Added: Option to replace default Reset password page to wpForo page
* Added: Tracks as internal on forum and doesn't add nofollow
* Added: More intuitive user @mentioning, ignores last symbols (, . " / ! ...)
* Added: Option to disable user @mentioning and Nicenames under avatar
* Added: Font size changing button on topic and post editor toolbar
* Added: Custom redirection URLs after login/register/confirm subscription.
* Added: Recent Posts page with two displaying types Topics/replies and Posts
* Added: Not allowed CAN's are disabled for according Forum Accesses
* Added: Czech Translation (cs_CZ), many thanks to Pavel Polívka,
* Fixed Bug: Problem with complete replacing website avatars to wpForo avatar
* Fixed Bug: User can't see admin posts in own private topic.
* Fixed Bug: Issue with Facebook avatars sources (lastmod sufix).
* Fixed Bug: Uppercase extension problem (two avatar files for one user)
* Fixed Bug: Delete post doesn't update topic last modified date
* Fixed Bug: Delete topic doesn't update forum last topic information

= wpForo Forum 1.4.3 | 09.12.2017 =

[wpForo v1.4.3 Release Summary](

* Added: Boosted forum core. Works many folds faster. Forum OOP optimization.
* Added: Facebook Login on Forum Login and Registration page
* Added: Facebook API options in Settings > API's admin page.
* Added: Emoji selector on topic/post editor toolbar
* Added: Forum Usergroup colors
* Added: Option to Disable User Custom Titles
* Added: Option to manage recent topic and post text length in Extended Layout
* Added: Multi-section popup notification for forum actions
* Added: Forum members mentioning with @nicename
* Added: User mentioning email customization options
* Added: Allow change vote in Q&A forum layout
* Added: Usergroup permissions for profile activity and subscriptions pages
* Added: Better no-indexing control for forum login/register pages
* Added: Forums > Tools > Misc | Option to set "dofollow" external domains
* Added: Forums > Tools > Misc | Option to set noindex forum certain forum pages
* Added: Do not count Categories in Forum Statistic
* Added: Forum information in Profile Activity list
* New Addon: [wpForo Polls](
* New Addon: [wpForo MyCRED Integration](
* Fixed Bug: Problem with private replies (not private on some servers)
* Fixed Bug: Cannot disable forum User Synchronization message
* Fixed Bug: Private last post on forum stat. Stat cache/reset issues.
* Fixed Bug: Avatar and Header image not changed (cache problem)
* Fixed Bug: Color / Style UX issues (cannot add color code, color number doc)
* Fixed Bug: Profile fields background and font colors on dark style
* Fixed Bug: Profile links disappeared (UM, BP, Woo)
* Fixed Bug: Non-translate-able forum phrases in JS.
* Fixed Bug: PHP Notices / Errors in RSS Feed
* Fixed Bug: Online users statistic
* Fixed Bug: Corrections of some phrases
* Fixed Bug: RTL issues


- After wpForo update, if you see a message "wpForo - Update Database". Please click on [Update Database] button to complete update process. This is a data synchronization action, it doesn't delete forum data.
- To load your customized colors please refresh forum front-end page twice.
- If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpForo update.
- If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it. 


- If you have a customized copy of wpForo forum template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update them. wpForo 1.4.0 requires new forum template files.
- If you see style issues after update, please refresh forum page twice or do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to load new styles.
- If you have wpForo addons, please update them right after wpForo forum update. Don't update them before wpForo forum update.
- In case you update forum and you have a large database, please make your forum faster [using this instruction...](

= wpForo Forum 1.4.2 | 22.10.2017 =

* Added: Recent Posts page, menu, footer link,
* Fixed Bug: Topic views counting. Guest logging.
* Fixed Bug: Reset Password page and URL redirection,
* Fixed Bug: User custom field management issues,
* Fixed Bug: CSS issues...
* Fixed Bug: Missing phrases,
* Fixed Bug: Login/Register pop-up window when guest clicks on Add Topic button

= wpForo Forum 1.4.1 | 12.10.2017 =

* Added: Bold titles when Forum and Topic is not visited/read
* Added: Option to enable/disable forum RSS Feed
* Added: Option to enable/disable WP to wpForo forum reset pass URL 
* Fixed Bug: Guests permission to view forum users avatar is disabled
* Fixed Bug: Unable to change forum user Email and Display Name
* Fixed Bug: Forum search form problem, empty forum field on some servers 
* Fixed Bug: Forum widget avatar doesn't reflect view avatar permission 

= wpForo Forum 1.4.0 | 07.10.2017 =

* Added: Advanced forum user profile system,
* Added: Redesigned forum profile home and account settings page
* Added: Forum Topic and Post front-end moderation (approve/unapprove),
* Added: User search and filter options for Forum Member search form,
* Added: Paste as text button on forum topic/post editor toolbar,
* Added: SEO friendly H1 tags for forum and topic titles,
* Added: wpForo SEO Open Graph - Image Information for FB share,
* Added: General RSS Feed for Forums and Topics
* Added: Hide Add Topic button on click,
* Added: Forum Description in topic list (forum page),
* Added: Option to change default forum User Title for new registered users,
* Added: Option to change default forum Usergroup for new registered users,
* Added: Option to select Forum Access when creating a new Usergroup,
* Added: Website language depended cache, language path issue with cached URLs,
* Added: More speed with new intuitive caching and cache deleting functions,
* Added: Boost database speed, new indexes for fresh installation,
* Added: Make profile links nofollow when profile page indexing is disabled,
* Added: Spanish Translation (es_ES), many thanks to Ignacio Sancho[(ISANlab)](
* Added: French Translation (fr_CA), many thanks to Alain Bergevin
* Added: Portuguese (Brazil) Translation (pt_BR), many thanks to Lucas Felix,
* Updated: German Translation (de_DE), many thanks to uve GmbH | Pascal Feiler,
* New Addon: [wpForo - User Custom Fields](
* Fixed Bug: Filter and display subSite specific users on WP MultiSite,
* Fixed Bug: Incorrect counting of forum synchronized users,
* Fixed Bug: Forum Usergroup permission issue(unused CANs on profile page),
* Fixed Bug: Unapproved topics redirect to forum login page,
* Fixed Bug: Redirects to account edit page after registration is successfully,
* Fixed Bug: Pagination issue, gets request uri function, checks protocols,
* Fixed Bug: Warning: Invalid argument supplied in /wpforo.php on line 141,
* Fixed Bug: Backslash slashes in email title and content,
* Fixed Bug: Forum search result affects page layout and sidebar,
* Fixed Bug: Typos and wrong phrases n forum front-end,
* Fixed Bug: Not colored wide left border of menu items,
* Fixed Bug: Chrome support for wpForo forum Feed XML,
* Fixed Bug: Private forums on search form's forum list
* Fixed Bug: Dynamic colors issue when file writing permission is denied for colors.css


wpforo The best multi-layout bulletin board forum plugin for WordPress






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