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Add associative syntax alignment
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lread committed Mar 7, 2019
1 parent 157bac1 commit 2c4ec25
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Showing 5 changed files with 559 additions and 3 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,6 +104,41 @@ selectively enabled or disabled:
true if cljfmt should collapse consecutive blank lines. This will
convert `(foo)\n\n\n(bar)` to `(foo)\n\n(bar)`. Defaults to true.

* `:align-associative?` -
true if cljfmt should align the elements of maps and bindings. Alignment
does not add or remove newlines.

{:foo 1
:barbaz 2}
will convert to
{:foo 1
:barbaz 2}
and this
(let [foo 1
barbaz 2])
(let [foo 1
barbaz 2])
And this
{:foo 1 :b 25 :foobaz 3
:f 44 :barbaz :z 8}
{:foo 1 :b 25 :foobaz 3
:f 44 :barbaz 7 :z 8}
Defaults to true.

You can also configure the behavior of cljfmt:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +174,20 @@ You can also configure the behavior of cljfmt:
:cljfmt {:indents ^:replace {#".*" [[:inner 0]]}}

* `:alignments` -
a map of var symbols to binding alignment rules, i.e. `{symbol [& indexes]}`

The zero-based `indexes` list the form arguments to align. Only vector
arguments are aligned.

(Defaults)[cljfmt/resources/cljfmt/alignments.clj] align
only argument 0, but you are free to specify your own customizations.

Unqualified symbols follow the same conventions as `:indents`.

This configuration does not control alignment of maps, they are always
aligned when `align-associative?` is enabled.

* `:alias-map` -
a map of namespace alias strings to fully qualified namespace
names. This option is unnecessary in almost all cases, because
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions cljfmt/resources/cljfmt/alignments.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{doseq [0]
let [0]
loop [0]
binding [0]
with-open [0]
go-loop [0]
if-let [0]
when-some [0]
if-some [0]
for [0]
with-local-vars [0]
with-redefs [0]}
209 changes: 208 additions & 1 deletion cljfmt/src/cljfmt/core.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
zloc zloc]
(if-let [zloc (z/find-next zloc zip/next p?)]
(recur (conj matches zloc)
(zip/next zloc))
(zip/next zloc)),

(defn- edit-all [zloc p? f]
Expand All @@ -48,6 +48,44 @@
(recur (f zloc))

;; TODO subedit from rewrite-clj (because not yet in rewrite-cljs)
(defn subzip
"Create zipper whose root is the current node."
(let [zloc' (some-> zloc z/node edn)]
(assert zloc' "could not create subzipper.")

(defn subedit-node
"Apply the given function to the current sub-tree. The resulting
zipper will be located on the root of the modified sub-tree."
[zloc f]
(let [zloc' (f (subzip zloc))]
(assert (not (nil? zloc')) "function applied in 'subedit-node' returned nil.")
(z/replace zloc (z/root zloc'))))

;; TODO post order traversal adapted from tinsel (post order traversal is in rewrite-clj but not yet in rewrite-cljs)
(defn- post-order-bottom-left [zloc]
(if-let [d (z/down zloc)]
(recur d)

(defn- post-order-next [zloc]
(if (= :end (zloc 1))
(if (nil? (z/up zloc))
[(zip/node zloc) :end]
(or (and (z/right zloc)
(post-order-bottom-left (z/right zloc)))
(z/up zloc)))))

(defn- edit-all-postwalk [zloc p? f]
(let [zloc (post-order-bottom-left zloc)]
(loop [zloc (if (p? zloc) (f zloc) zloc)]
(if-let [zloc (z/find-next zloc post-order-next p?)]
(recur (f zloc))

(defn- transform [form zf & args]
(z/root (apply zf (edn form) args)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +126,9 @@
(defn- line-break? [zloc]
(or (zlinebreak? zloc) (comment? zloc)))

(defn- uneval? [zloc]
(= :uneval (z/tag zloc)))

(defn- skip-whitespace [zloc]
(skip zip/next whitespace? zloc))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,6 +367,169 @@
(defn remove-trailing-whitespace [form]
(transform form edit-all trailing-whitespace? zip/remove))

(defn- append-newline-if-absent [zloc]
(if (or (-> zloc zip/right skip-whitespace line-break?)
(z/rightmost? zloc))
(zip/insert-right zloc (n/newlines 1))))

(def default-alignments
(read-resource "cljfmt/alignments.clj"))

(defn- whitespace-length [zloc f]
(if (whitespace? (f zloc))
(n/length (z/node (f zloc)))

(defn- multiline-elem? [zloc]
(and (zip/branch? zloc)
(z/find (subzip zloc) zip/next line-break?)))

(defn- adjust-padding-multiline-elem [zloc num-spaces]
(subedit-node zloc #(edit-all % line-break?
(fn [zlb]
(if (whitespace? (zip/right zlb))
(zip/replace (zip/right zlb) (whitespace (+ (whitespace-length zlb zip/right) num-spaces)))))
(zip/insert-right zlb (whitespace num-spaces)))))))

(defn- adjust-padding-for-multiline-elems [zloc num-spaces]
(loop [zloc (adjust-padding-multiline-elem zloc num-spaces)]
(let [n (z/find-next zloc zip/right #(or (element? %)
(line-break? %)
(multiline-elem? %)))]
(if (and n (not (line-break? n)))
(recur (adjust-padding-multiline-elem n num-spaces))

(defn- adjust-leading-whitespace [zloc num-spaces]
(if (whitespace? (zip/left zloc))
(zip/replace (zip/left zloc) (whitespace (+ (whitespace-length zloc zip/left) num-spaces))))
(zip/insert-left zloc (whitespace num-spaces))))

(defn- first-elem-after-linebreak? [zloc]
(when-let [zloc (zip/prev zloc)]
(if (whitespace? zloc)
(recur zloc)
(line-break? zloc))))

(defn- min-margin-elem [zloc]
(if (multiline-elem? zloc)
(reduce min
(cons (margin zloc)
(map #(margin %)
(-> zloc
(find-all #(and (element? %) (first-elem-after-linebreak? %)))))))
(margin zloc)))

(defn- adjust-padding [zloc num-spaces]
(if (zero? num-spaces)
(-> zloc
(adjust-leading-whitespace num-spaces)
(adjust-padding-for-multiline-elems num-spaces))))

(defn- adjust-margin [zloc target-margin]
(let [margin (margin zloc)
min-margin (min-margin-elem zloc)
ml-delta (- margin min-margin)
delta (+ (- target-margin margin) ml-delta)]
(adjust-padding zloc delta)))

(defn- edit-siblings [zloc p? f]
(loop [zloc (if (p? zloc) (f zloc) zloc)]
(if-let [zloc (z/find-next zloc z/right p?)]
(recur (f zloc))

(defn- table-col-ndx[zloc]
(and (element? zloc)
(count (->> zloc
(iterate zip/left)
(take-while #(and (identity %) (not (line-break? %))))
(filter #(element? %))))))

(defn- align-table-col [zloc target-margin]
(let [col-ndx (table-col-ndx zloc)]
(edit-siblings zloc
#(= col-ndx (table-col-ndx %))
#(adjust-margin % target-margin))))

(defn- max-margin-table-col [zloc]
(let [col-ndx (table-col-ndx zloc)]
(reduce max (map #(- (min-margin-elem %) (dec (whitespace-length % zip/left)))
(->> zloc
(iterate z/right)
(take-while identity)
(filter #(element? %))
(filter #(= (table-col-ndx %) col-ndx)))))))

(defn- next-table-col [zloc]
(let [target-col (inc (table-col-ndx zloc))]
(z/find-next zloc #(= (table-col-ndx %) target-col))))

(defn- count-table-cols [zloc]
(count (->> zloc
(iterate next-table-col)
(take-while identity))))

(defn- elem-at-table-col-ndx [zloc col-ndx]
(last (->> zloc
(iterate next-table-col)
(take col-ndx))))

(defn- push-out-underhanging-multilines [zloc]
(if (multiline-elem? zloc)
(edit-siblings (z/down zloc) element? #(let [underhang-spaces (- (margin %) (min-margin-elem %))]
(if (> underhang-spaces 0)
(adjust-padding % (- (margin %) (min-margin-elem %)))

(defn- align-child-elems-as-table [zloc]
(let [num-cols (count-table-cols zloc)
zloc (let [zloc (elem-at-table-col-ndx zloc 1)]
(z/up (align-table-col zloc (min-margin-elem zloc))))]
(loop [zloc zloc
col-ndx 2]
(if (<= col-ndx num-cols)
(recur (let [zloc (elem-at-table-col-ndx zloc col-ndx)]
(z/up (align-table-col zloc (max-margin-table-col zloc))))
(inc col-ndx))

(defn in?
[coll elm]
(some #(= elm %) coll))

(defn- alignable-binding-options [zloc alignments alias-map]
(or (get alignments (fully-qualify-symbol (form-symbol zloc) alias-map))
(get alignments (remove-namespace (form-symbol zloc)))))

(defn- alignable-binding? [zloc alignments alias-map]
(z/vector? zloc)
(if-let [arg-ndxs (alignable-binding-options zloc alignments alias-map)]
(in? arg-ndxs (dec (index-of zloc))))))

(defn- alignable? [alignments alias-map]
(fn [zloc]
(and (or (z/map? zloc)
(alignable-binding? zloc alignments alias-map))
(z/find-next zloc z/down #(not (uneval? %1)))
(z/find-next (z/down zloc) zip/next line-break?))))

(defn- align-elements [form alignments alias-map]
(-> form
(transform edit-all-postwalk (alignable? alignments alias-map) push-out-underhanging-multilines)
(transform edit-all-postwalk (alignable? alignments alias-map) align-child-elems-as-table)))

(defn reformat-form
(reformat-form form {}))
Expand All @@ -340,6 +544,9 @@
(cond-> (:indentation? opts true)
(reindent (:indents opts default-indents)
(:alias-map opts {})))
(cond-> (:align-associative? opts true)
(align-elements (:alignments opts default-alignments)
(:alias-map opts {})))
(cond-> (:remove-trailing-whitespace? opts true)

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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions cljfmt/src/cljfmt/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,9 @@
:remove-surrounding-whitespace? true
:remove-trailing-whitespace? true
:remove-consecutive-blank-lines? true
:indents cljfmt/default-indents
:align-associative? true
:indents cljfmt/default-indents
:alignments cljfmt/default-alignments
:alias-map {}})

(defn merge-default-options [options]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +188,10 @@
:id :insert-missing-whitespace?]
[nil "--[no-]remove-consecutive-blank-lines"
:default (:remove-consecutive-blank-lines? default-options)
:id :remove-consecutive-blank-lines?]])
:id :remove-consecutive-blank-lines?]
[nil "--[no-]align-associative"
:default (:align-associative? default-options)
:id :align-associative?]])

(defn- command-name []
(or (System/getProperty "") "cljfmt"))
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