yarn add simple-ui-solid
**Be warned that nothing is final, I am still experimenting with what I want to achieve with this project.
Intrinsic component library using TailwindCSS at the core.
Initially I wanted to map css properties to Component props but it lacked extensibility and instead it will focus on providing useful components to style with your favourite CSS methods.
The library provides a simple config api to configure component styles via color mode and variants. Similar to (Chakra-ui)
Each component will have basic styles that can be overwritten easily.
Component | Status |
HStack | ✅ Done |
VStack | ✅ Done |
Divider | ✅ Done |
Link | ✅ Done |
Text | ✅ Done |
Button | ⏳ In Progress |
Input | ⏳ In Progress |
Select | ⏳ In Progress |
Modal | ⏳ In Progress |
Feature | Status |
TailwindCSS templates | ✅ Done (need review) |
Color Mode | ⏳ In Progress |
Component Style variants | ⏳ In Progress |
Doc website | ⏳ In Progress |