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a git micromaterial to practice using the reflog to bring a deleted local branch back to life


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Task - delete a local branch and bring it back to life

read the reflog documentation here

The basic idea is to practice accidentally deleting one of our local branches (which I've done a few times), and then finding it again in the reflog. If you have a version pushed to one of your remotes, then you wouldn't need to do this. This is in the case where you didn't push anything yet, and have deleted the branch that only existed locally.

Scary, right! I used to think so, but don't worry...the reflog can help us.

One of the best parts of git is how you can recover from almost anything, so don't be afraid to lose your work, you can almost always get it back.

We're going to practice doing that now.


To start, let's check out a new branch and add a simple file:

git checkout -b new_script (or whatever you want to call the branch)

touch script.js

You can add some content in it if you want, but that's not necessary to practice our reflog magic.

Let's commit it so it sticks around. (the reflog can only show committed work, so if we never committed, we wouldn't be able to do this, but also we wouldn't be able to leave the branch without committing, so if we have a branch, then we have commits on it)

git add script.js
git commit -m 'add a new script'

Now you will have one new file on your new branch. Let's go back to our main branch and take stock of things.

git checkout main

If we want to remind ourselves of what happened in the other branch we can simply type:

git log new_script

and our log should show us the new commit in the other branch. for the fun part!

Imagine that we're cleaning up some of our old and unused branches, and so we run a simple command to delete this branch locally:

git branch -D new_script

this will result in something that looks like

Deleted branch new_script (was 51bc649)

So now we've deleted it, and can go have some tea or something...

...but wait!!!

Oh my had some fantastic file updates in there that you just found out you actually need (note: this happened to me earlier today)! Disaster, right?!?!

Not so fast...

We can use the reflog to bring this branch and any of its files back to life!

First, go ahead and access the reflog:

git reflog

You should see something like this:

9cdc824 (HEAD -> main) HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from new_script to main
51bc648 HEAD@{1}: commit: add a new script
9cdc824 (HEAD -> main) HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from main to new_script

(the hashes at the beginning will be different, and you might have slightly different numbers in HEAD@{#}, but the important part is that you have references to where your HEAD has been).

So this is basically a list of the steps you've been going through in your local copy of the repo. You can see where you cloned down the repo, where you switched to a new branch, and where you added a new commit.

The reflog doesn't record where we delete branches, but that's okay, since what we want it for here is to checkout a previous state (commit).

The easy thing to do is look for the commit with the commit message that had our new file. Here that is:

51bc648 HEAD@{1}: commit: add a new script

So to complete the magic, we can simply checkout that particular commit (it still lives in git even if the branch is no longer listed when we run a command like git branch)

git checkout HEAD@{1}

you can also just use the short hash:

git checkout 51bc648

...but I personally like the HEAD@{#} syntax, since it feels more intuitive to me.

Essentially, the # there is the number of "transitions" or "moves" or "state changes" ago.

After checking out the commit, our terminal should look something like:

Note: checking out 'HEAD@{1}'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 51bc648 add a new script

...don't worry too much about the detached HEAD state, we won't be here long.

So now that we've checked out that commit, we should see something like this when we run git status:

HEAD detached at 51bc648
nothing to commit, working tree clean

we can confirm that we have our old file back by running ls. (or however you like to inspect the files in the directory)

You can add stuff to the file now if you want, but for our exercise, we don't need to.

We need to checkout an actual branch now to make these files stick around, so let's do that with:

git checkout -b new_script_back_to_life

Now return to the main branch:

git checkout main

There are a few ways to get stuff from that other branch into your main branch, but since we only need one file, let's just do it the easy way:

git checkout new_script_back_to_life new_script.js

this syntax means something like

(git checkout     FROM_BRANCH        FILE_NAME)

And now, if you run git status, you should see the new file in the output:

On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        new file:   new_script.js

Awesome! We brought it back! Now just add it, commit it, and you can continue doing whatever other great things you were doing in this project.

That's it! We're done!


a git micromaterial to practice using the reflog to bring a deleted local branch back to life








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