The robot software system about slam, global path planning, local path planning.
submodule link:
How to launch gazebo simulation environment?
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-gazebo-ros-pkgs
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
ros2 launch bcr_bot
ros2 launch bcr_bot \ camera_enabled:=True \ two_d_lidar_enabled:=True \ stereo_camera_enabled:=False \ position_x:=0.0 \ position_y:=0.0 \ orientation_yaw:=0.0 \ odometry_source:=world \ world_file:=small_warehouse.sdf \ robot_namespace:="bcr_bot"
The virtual robot of parameters
Lidar frequency 30HZ 33.33ms
Odometry frequency 50HZ 20ms IMU frequency 5HZ 200ms