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Added RamseteCommand to Commands 2. robotpy#28
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NewtonCrosby committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 9854bb2 commit 0faf2c0
Showing 3 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions commands2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
from .printcommand import PrintCommand
from .proxycommand import ProxyCommand
from .proxyschedulecommand import ProxyScheduleCommand
from .ramsetecommand import RamseteCommand
from .repeatcommand import RepeatCommand
from .runcommand import RunCommand
from .schedulecommand import ScheduleCommand
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions commands2/
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
# Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
# Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
# the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Union
from wpimath.controller import PIDController, RamseteController, SimpleMotorFeedforwardMeters
from wpimath.geometry import Pose2d
from wpimath.kinematics import ChassisSpeeds, DifferentialDriveKinematics, DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds
from wpimath.trajectory import Trajectory
from wpiutil import SendableBuilder
from wpilib import Timer

from .command import Command
from .subsystem import Subsystem

class RamseteCommand(Command):
A command that uses a RAMSETE controller (RamseteController) to follow a trajectory
(Trajectory) with a differential drive.
The command handles trajectory-following, PID calculations, and feedforwards internally. This
is intended to be a more-or-less "complete solution" that can be used by teams without a great
deal of controls expertise.
Advanced teams seeking more flexibility (for example, those who wish to use the onboard PID
functionality of a "smart" motor controller) may use the secondary constructor that omits the PID
and feedforward functionality, returning only the raw wheel speeds from the RAMSETE controller.
This class is provided by the NewCommands VendorDep

def __init__(
trajectory: Trajectory,
pose: Callable[[], Pose2d],
controller: RamseteController,
kinematics: DifferentialDriveKinematics,
outputVolts: Callable[[float, float], None],
*requirements: Subsystem,
feedforward: SimpleMotorFeedforwardMeters | None = None,
leftController: PIDController | None = None,
rightController: PIDController | None = None,
wheelSpeeds: Callable[[], DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds] | None = None,
"""Constructs a new RamseteCommand that, when executed, will follow the provided trajectory. PID
control and feedforward are handled internally, and outputs are scaled -12 to 12 representing
units of volts.
Note: The controller will *not* set the outputVolts to zero upon completion of the path -
this is left to the user, since it is not appropriate for paths with nonstationary endstates.
:param trajectory: The trajectory to follow.
:param pose: A function that supplies the robot pose - use one of the odometry classes to
provide this.
:param controller: The RAMSETE controller used to follow the trajectory.
:param kinematics: The kinematics for the robot drivetrain.
:param outputVolts: A function that consumes the computed left and right outputs (in volts) for
the robot drive.
:param requirements: The subsystems to require.
When the following optional parameters are provided, when executed, the RamseteCommand will follow
provided trajectory. PID control and feedforward are handled internally, and the outputs are scaled
from -12 to 12 representing units of volts. If any one of the optional parameters are provided, each
other optional parameter becomes required.
:param feedforward The feedforward to use for the drive
:param leftController: The PIDController for the left side of the robot drive.
:param rightController: The PIDController for the right side of the robot drive.
:param wheelSpeeds: A function that supplies the speeds of the left and right sides of the robot

self.timer = Timer()

# Store all the requirements that are required
self.trajectory: Trajectory = trajectory
self.pose = pose
self.follower: RamseteController = controller
self.kinematics = kinematics
self.output: Callable[[float, float], None] = outputVolts
self.leftController = None
self.rightController = None
self.feedforward = None
self.wheelspeeds = None
self.usePID = False
# Optional requirements checks. If any one of the optionl parameters are not None, then all the optional
# requirements become required.
if feedforward or leftController or rightController or wheelSpeeds is not None:
if feedforward or leftController or rightController or wheelSpeeds is None:
raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to instantiate RamseteCommand, not all optional arguments were provided.\n \
Feedforward - {feedforward}, LeftController - {leftController}, RightController - {rightController}, WheelSpeeds - {wheelSpeeds} '

self.leftController: PIDController = leftController
self.rightController: PIDController = rightController
self.wheelspeeds: Callable[[], DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds] = wheelSpeeds
self.feedforward: SimpleMotorFeedforwardMeters = feedforward
self.usePID = True
self.prevSpeeds = DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds()
self.prevTime = -1.0


def initialize(self):
self.prevTime = -1
initial_state = self.trajectory.sample(0)
initial_speeds = self.kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(
ChassisSpeeds( initial_state.velocity, 0, initial_state.curvature * initial_state.velocity )
self.prevSpeeds = initial_speeds
if self.usePID:

def execute(self):
cur_time = self.timer.get()
dt = cur_time - self.prevTime

if self.prevTime < 0:
self.output(0.0, 0.0)
self.prevTime = cur_time

target_wheel_speeds = self.kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(
self.follower.calculate(self.pose(), self.trajectory.sample(cur_time))

left_speed_setpoint = target_wheel_speeds.left
right_speed_setpoint = target_wheel_speeds.right

if self.usePID:
left_feedforward = self.feedforward.calculate(
(left_speed_setpoint - self.prevSpeeds.left) / dt

right_feedforward = self.feedforward.calculate(
(right_speed_setpoint - self.prevSpeeds.right) / dt

left_output = (
+ self.leftController.calculate(

right_output = (
+ self.rightController.calculate(
left_output = left_speed_setpoint
right_output = right_speed_setpoint

self.output(left_output, right_output)
self.prevSpeeds = target_wheel_speeds
self.prevTime = cur_time

def end(self, interrupted):

if interrupted:
self.output(0.0, 0.0)

def isFinished(self):
return self.timer.hasElapsed(self.trajectory.totalTime())

def initSendable(self, builder: SendableBuilder):
builder.addDoubleProperty("leftVelocity", lambda: self.prevSpeeds.left, None)
builder.addDoubleProperty("rightVelocity", lambda: self.prevSpeeds.right, None)
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
# Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
# the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
import math

import wpimath.controller as controller
import wpimath.trajectory as trajectory
import wpimath.trajectory.constraint as constraints
import wpimath.geometry as geometry
import wpimath.kinematics as kinematics
from wpilib import Timer

from util import * # type: ignore

from .util import *

import pytest

import commands2

class RamseteCommandTestDataFixtures:
def __init__(self):
self.timer = Timer()
self.angle: geometry.Rotation2d = geometry.Rotation2d(0)

# Track speeds and distances
self.leftSpeed = 0
self.leftDistance = 0
self.rightSpeed = 0
self.rightDistance = 0

# Chassis/Drivetrain constants
self.kxTolerance = 1 / 12.0
self.kyTolerance = 1 / 12.0
self.kWheelBase = 0.5
self.kTrackWidth = 0.5
self.kWheelDiameterMeters = 0.1524
self.kRamseteB = 2.0
self.kRamseteZeta = 0.7
self.ksVolts = 0.22
self.kvVoltSecondsPerMeter = 1.98
self.kaVoltSecondsSquaredPerMeter = 0.2
self.kPDriveVel = 8.5
self.kMaxMetersPerSecond = 3.0
self.kMaxAccelerationMetersPerSecondSquared = 1.0
self.kEncoderCPR = 1024
self.kEncoderDistancePerPulse = (self.kWheelDiameterMeters * math.pi) / self.kEncoderCPR

self.command_kinematics: kinematics.DifferentialDriveKinematics = (

self.command_voltage_constraint: constraints.DifferentialDriveVoltageConstraint = constraints.DifferentialDriveVoltageConstraint(

self.command_odometry: kinematics.DifferentialDriveOdometry = kinematics.DifferentialDriveOdometry(
geometry.Pose2d(0, 0, geometry.Rotation2d(0))

def setWheelSpeeds(self, leftspeed: float, rightspeed: float) -> None:
self.leftSpeed = leftspeed
self.rightSpeed = rightspeed

def getCurrentWheelDistances(self) -> kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelPositions:
positions = kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelPositions()
positions.right = self.rightDistance
positions.left = self.leftDistance

return positions

def getRobotPose(self) -> geometry.Pose2d:
positions = self.getCurrentWheelDistances()
self.command_odometry.update(self.angle, positions.left,positions.right)
return self.command_odometry.getPose()

def get_ramsete_command_data() -> RamseteCommandTestDataFixtures:
return RamseteCommandTestDataFixtures()

def test_ramseteCommand(
scheduler: commands2.CommandScheduler, get_ramsete_command_data
with ManualSimTime() as sim:
fixture_data = get_ramsete_command_data
subsystem = commands2.Subsystem()
waypoints: List[geometry.Pose2d] = []
waypoints.append(geometry.Pose2d(0, 0, geometry.Rotation2d(0)))
waypoints.append(geometry.Pose2d(3, 0, geometry.Rotation2d(0)))
traj_config: trajectory.TrajectoryConfig = trajectory.TrajectoryConfig(8.8, 0.1)
new_trajectory: trajectory.Trajectory = (
trajectory.TrajectoryGenerator.generateTrajectory(waypoints, traj_config)
end_state = new_trajectory.sample(new_trajectory.totalTime())

command = commands2.RamseteCommand(
controller.RamseteController(fixture_data.kRamseteB, fixture_data.kRamseteZeta),



while not command.isFinished():

fixture_data.leftDistance += fixture_data.leftSpeed * 0.005
fixture_data.rightDistance += fixture_data.rightSpeed * 0.005



assert end_state.pose.X() == pytest.approx(
fixture_data.getRobotPose().X(), fixture_data.kxTolerance
assert end_state.pose.Y() == pytest.approx(
fixture_data.getRobotPose().Y(), fixture_data.kyTolerance

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