No-frills PSGI application that will generate an embeddable widget card for any Last.FM user. It also offers a clean JSON API to fetch the last played track, the user's top played track of all time, last week or last 12 months. The sample javascript demonstrates usage of the API.
Requires a Last.FM API key and a few common Perl modules to work.
The Last::Played library also works standalone. The methods will be documented in POD, or just refer to
for an example.
Use the makefile to install all dependencies (Plack, LWP, Starman, JSON, Time::Piece):
make init
Alternative: Run apt install libplack-perl libwww-perl libjson-perl starman
to install the packages globally on Debian.
NOTE: The widget maker needs HTTPS to fetch album art images, thus it is better with Mozilla::CA
installed. This module isn't always available; in such a case the module will ignore SSL verification as a fallback.
Set the env var LASTFM_API_KEY=<your_key>
as an export in your shell somewhere. If you don't already have a API key, you can obtain one here.
Optional: set the env var LASTFM_USER_ID
to a default user ID in your shell. The psgi script will fallback to this user ID if none is specified in the request.
make run
will start the PSGI script and bind to port 5010 as a default. In production you'll want to host it behind a reverse proxy.
Make requests as follows:
and you will see cleaner responses like this:
"url": "",
"album": "Sweetness And Light - Single",
"artist": "Lush",
"image": {
"small": "",
"medium": ""
"large": "",
"extralarge": ""
"name": "Sweetness and Light",
"date": "24 Dec 2024, 10:20",
"nowplaying": "false"
Now it is up to you how to embed it on your website. Some sample JS code has been provided.
You can also request the most played track over the following time periods: week, year and month.
The response will always be as follows. Note there is less detail than the 'now playing' route, but the playcount is included.
"name": "Bulls",
"url": "",
"playcount": "5",
"artist": "All Them Witches",
"image": {
"small": ""
"medium": ""
"large": "",
"extralarge": ""
Finally you may generate a widget card which shows the user name, total scrobbles, current track and the current track's album art. This is a WIP - the current version is rough!
A sample of the current last.played widget card is shown below:
make install
should take care of that. It will copy and enable the service, as well as creating a blank logfile. It assumes you have a user www-data
who will be granted privileges to run the script.
Reminder: you'll need to specify the LASTFM_API_KEY
in the user's environment. You may wish to modify the systemd unitfile to achieve this.