During my computer science undergraduate course I created a lot of processing sketches. Processing is a Java library with its own IDE. Processing is often used to teach Java programming.
Sketches that I made to understand some concepts i.e. monte carlo method, bezier curves, graph traversal etc. better.
Sketches that are made to create something else i.e. a drawing or an animation.
This app is a simple painting app. Paintings can be saved as processing code.
Sketches that were written in javascript to run inside a browser.
This app, my implementation of the popular game hangman, uses the local storage to save customized word sets. Predefined English and German word sets are available. This is a client side app running independantly from the server.
This app demonstrates the A* search algorithm, here used to find the shortest line on a graph connecting two points.
This app generates random mazes. The algorithm starts with an empty rectangular room, then separates it with a wall at a random position. This process is repeated for each of the smaller rooms until the desired granularity is reached.