- Download Uber Movement data and put in this folder:
- San Francisco:
- New York:
- Seattle:
- San Francisco:
- Install necessary packages with
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Run
to download OSM maps for San Francisco, New York, Seattle.
Get Google Cloud set up.
Get OpenStreetMap nodes/ways as a networkx graph using osmnx (or some other library).
- For example: https://github.com/gboeing/osmnx-examples/blob/master/notebooks/06-example-osmnx-networkx.ipynb
Use Uber Movement data to add traffic information to the graph. We have the OpenStreetMap mapping so it should not be hard.
Convert graph from networkx to pytorch_geometric using torch_geometric.utils.from_networkx
Run GCN, GraphSAGE or whatever using pytorch geometric.