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William Martens edited this page Dec 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the fanny.bmp malware wiki!

You should already know what fanny.bmp is, but in case you do not; - I strongly advise you to go trough the following papers!

A short summary of "Equation_group_questions_and_answers.pdf"

Fanny is a computer worm created by the Equation group in 2008 and distributed throughout the Middle East and Asia. Fanny used two zero day exploits, which were later uncovered during the discovery of Stuxnet. To spread, it used the Stuxnet LNK exploit and USB sticks. For escalation of privilege, Fanny used a vulnerability patched by the Microsoft bulletin MS09-025, which from 2009 was also used in one of the early versions of Stuxnet.

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