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Boreeas edited this page Aug 19, 2014 · 7 revisions


riotapi is a Java 8 API that tries to bring you an interface to all League of Legends services. At the moment, this includes the following:

module description
domain Holding common information for all other modules. Mostly copies of the client's classes transmitted via RTMP in com.riotgames, but also the Shard enum, holding constants for all regions
loginqueue Login to a server.
rest The official rest API provided by Riot. Includes an unthrottled handler as well as a throttled, asynchronous handler with configurable rate limits
rtmp The part that makes the client run.
spectator Spectate games. Supports loading spectator files (.rofl) and streaming via the rest API. For non-featured games, you will need to provide a decryption key, which can be retrieved via RTMP
xmpp Connect to the chat server. A basic wrapper that takes care of menial tasks such as channel name encoding

See the modules' subpages for more information.


All the modules can be used independently of each other, with the exception of domain, which all other modules depend on.

Other dependencies include:

Dependency Description
log4j For logging
reflections Required by rtmp for scanning the class path for serializable classes
GSON JSON framework
Apache CXF REST framework
Lombok Removing boilerplate via annotations
JUnit For tests only


We are on Sonatype's Maven Central. Just add the following entry to your dependencies, and you should be good to go.


You can import every module independently by prefixing the module name with riotapi. and using that as artifactId (e.g. rest would become Alternatively, you can import everything with the aggregator module, using plain riotapi as the artifactId. Apparently that doesn't work. We are going to figure something out.

Getting help / Talk to us

You can find us in ##loldev on freenode

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