Blog app demo. Used NodeJS for serverside, MongoDB for database, Semantic UI for stylesheet
Restful Routes used in this project
Name | Path | Http Verb | Purpose | Mongoose Method |
Index | /dogs | GET | Displays a list of all dogs | Dog.find() |
New | /dogs/new | GET | Displays a form to make a new dog | N/A |
Create | /dogs | POST | Add a new dog to database | Dog.create() |
Show | /dogs/:id | GET | Shows info about one dog | Dog.findById() |
Edit | /dogs/:id/edit | GET | Shows edit form for one dog | Dog.findById() |
Update | /dogs/:id | PUT | Update a particular dog, then redirect somewhere | Dog.findByIdAndUpdate() |
Destroy | /dogs/:id | DELETE | Delete a particular dog, then redirect somewhere | Dog.findByIdAndRemove() |