AES Encryption for Facebook
Allows encryption of messages posted to Facebook Groups in a way that is mostly transparent to users. This prevents Facebook from having access to the contents of your messages while still allowing your friends to view them (assuming they also have the extension)
This Chrome Extension is in no way affliated with Facebook, and will not be liable for anything that happens to your Facebook account when using it.
It is built on top of the base code in Stanford's CS255 Cryptography Course and Stanford's Javascript Cryptographic Library (SJCL). This Chrome Extension is still in testing phase and makes no guarantees as to the security provided yet.
For best effects make sure you use https when logging onto Facebook.
After installing the extension, you will be prompted to go to your account settings to enter a CryptoPost password when you log onto Facebook. (Excuse the ugly table) DO NOT use your actual Facebook password (Well you can, but that will defeat the point of encryption).
Subsequently, when you log into Facebook, a new prompt will appear for you to enter your CryptoPost password. Enter it to make use of the extension. Press cancel to disable it for the currrent session.
To be continued