This project contains api required for performing crud operations related to student management such as student basic information, students academic records, subject details ,teacher details etc along with validation for request data.
This projects requires flask maintaining backend routes , mongo db for database, pymongo for performing python mongo connectivity , flak-marshmallow for validating input requrest data for the routes.
This module contain the following routes:
Using POST method to this route we can insert student records and the records will be inserted only if the request data satisfies the required format, pass array of inputs with
student_records key and academic_year with academic_year as key.
Using GET method to this route all the student records will be retured as response.
Using GET method to this route and passing page_no in request params you can perform pagination.
Using GET method to this route by passing student_id in request URL you can able to retrive a specific student details.
Using PUT method to this route by passing student_id in request URL and form data in json format in request body you can update personl_information of students, data will be updated only if satisfied the validition criteria for student records.
Using DELETE method to this route by passing student_id in request URL you can delete that particular student data from the database
Sample format for student records
"date_of_admission": "2005-10-10T09:11:11Z",
"id": "MYT094",
"month_of_admission": "MAR",
"personal_information": {
"address_info": {
"address_line_1": "addressline",
"address_line_2": "addres",
"address_line_3": "addres",
"locality": "urapakam",
"nationality": "Indian",
"pincode": 602105
"fathers_name": "fathersname",
"fathers_occupation": "Driver",
"first_name": "student",
"gross_annual_income": "< 3 LAKHS",
"identification_marks": [
"identification_marks_description": "bigmole",
"identification_type": "MOLE",
"location": "face"
"initial": "S",
"last_name": "name",
"mothers_name": "mothersname",
"mothers_occupation": "homemaker"
"student_name": "studentname"
This module contain the following routes
Using POST request to this route subject details can be inserted into database only if the request data satisfies the required format, give array of inputs with subject_records as key .
Using GET request for this route all the subject records are retrived from database and sent as response.
Using GET request to this route pagination can be performed in the subject collection.
Usign GET to this route request by passig the subject_code in request URL specific subject detail can be retrived from the database.
Using PUT request to this route by passing the subject_code in request URL and details to be updated in request body subject record will be updated.
Using DELETE request to this route by passing the subject_code in the request URL subject with given code will be deleted from the database.
Sample format for subject data
"subject_code": "SUB001",
"subject_name": "English",
"min_mark": 0,
"max_mark": 100,
"pass_percentage" : 35,
"board" : "CBSE",
"standard_type" : "PRIMARY"
This module conatin the following routes:
Using POST request to this route teacher details can be inserted into database only if the request data satisfies the required format for teachre record, give array of records with teacher_records as key.
Using GET requrest to this route all the teacher details are retrived from the database and sent as response.
Using GETrequest to this route by specifing the page_no in request params pagination can be performed for teacher collection
Using GET request to this route by specifing the teacher_id in request URL specific teacher record with matching teacher_id can be retrive from the database and sent as response.
Using PUT request to this route by specifing the teacher_id in the request URL and updated details in the request body details will be updated after validating the request data for that teacher.
Using DELETE request to this route by specifing the teacher_id in the request URL specific teacher record will be removed from the database.
Using GET request to this route by specifing the subject_code in the request URL
subject detail with that subject_code will be sent as response.
Sample record format for teachers
"teacher_id" : "TEA0010",
"first_name" : "Amuthaa",
"last_name" : "A",
"gender" : "FEMALE",
"subjects" : [
"qualification" : [
"degree_type" : "Masters",
"major" : "English",
"degree_name" : "Bsc. English",
"percentage" : 78.5,
"passed_out_year" : "2016",
"passed_out_month" : "MAR"
"date_of_joining" : "2023-10-09T11:04:37Z",
"personal_info" : {
"address_line_1" : "address line one goes here",
"address_line_2" : "address line two goes here",
"address_line_3" : "address line three goes here",
"nationality" : "Indian",
"martial_status" : "MARRIED",
"date_of_birth" : "1999-10-09T11:04:37Z",
"fathers_name" : "father name",
"mother_name" : "mothers name",
"identification_document_details" :
"document_type" : "RATION-CARD",
"identification_number" : "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"document_availability_type" : "ORIGINAL"
This module contain the following routes:
Using POST request to this route sutent acacdemic_year details will be inserted into the database, academic year of the student should be passed in request params and json data for student record should be passed in the request body, details will be inserted only if it passed the validation.
Using GET request to this route and passing the academic_year details at request params all the student records for that academic year will be retrived and sent as response.
Using this route by passing page_no in request params pagination can be performed for student record collection
Using GET request to this route by passing student id in request URL and academic_year in request params specifc student detail will be retrived and sent as response from the database.
Using PUT request to this route by passing student id in request URL , academic_year in request params ,update information in request body record will be update in database only if validation satisfied for that data.
Usiing DELETE request to this route by passing student id in request URL and academic_year in request params student with given id for that academic year will be deleted from the database.
Using PUT request to this route by passing student id in request URL,academic_year ,exam_type in request params and mark details in request body exam details for the specifed exam_type will be inserte into database using update operation.
Using PUT request to this route by passing academic_year,standard,exam_type in request params rank will be updated for the given exam_type for the students belongs to given standard and academic year only if their overall status if pass.
Sample record format for student record collection
"_id": "652c0f86f4cd83cc4b3be98c",
"id": "MYT094",
"roll_number": 94,
"standard": "X",
"section": "B",
"subjects": [
"subject_code": "SUB001",
"teacher_id": "TEA001"
"subject_code": "SUB002",
"teacher_id": "TEA002"
"subject_code": "SUB003",
"teacher_id": "TEA003"
"subject_code": "SUB004",
"teacher_id": "TEA004"
"subject_code": "SUB005",
"teacher_id": "TEA005"
"exam": {
"exam_date": "2005-10-10T09:11:11Z",
"marks": [
"subject_code": "SUB001",
"mark": 99,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB002",
"mark": 99,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB003",
"mark": 94,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB004",
"mark": 99,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB005",
"mark": 94,
"status": "pass"
"total": 485,
"average": 97.0,
"rank": 1,
"result": "pass",
"comments": "NONE"
"_id": "652c0f70f4cd83cc4b3be98b",
"id": "MYT095",
"roll_number": 95,
"standard": "X",
"section": "B",
"subjects": [
"subject_code": "SUB001",
"teacher_id": "TEA001"
"subject_code": "SUB002",
"teacher_id": "TEA002"
"subject_code": "SUB003",
"teacher_id": "TEA003"
"subject_code": "SUB004",
"teacher_id": "TEA004"
"subject_code": "SUB005",
"teacher_id": "TEA005"
"exam": {
"exam_date": "2005-10-10T09:11:11Z",
"marks": [
"subject_code": "SUB001",
"mark": 90,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB002",
"mark": 99,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB003",
"mark": 94,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB004",
"mark": 99,
"status": "pass"
"subject_code": "SUB005",
"mark": 94,
"status": "pass"
"total": 476,
"average": 95.2,
"rank": 2,
"result": "pass",
"comments": "NONE"