uDig 2.1.0.RC1
Pre-releaseuDig 2.1.0.RC1 release candidate
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About uDig 2.1.0.RC1
This is a release candidate, prior to the creation of a stable 2.1.x series. GeoTools library has been updated to 19.4, please consult Upgrade guide in case you are using SDK to build your own geospatial application with uDig.
SDK Features:
Access to GeoTools 19.4 and ImageIO-Ext 1.1.25 libraries
#230 Initialitiation in SetAttributesComman
#280 allows to open StyleEditors for created layers
#283 ConcurrentModificationException using LayerInterceptor
#293 fixed Table Sorting issues and selection problems
#305 Rollback issues were fixed
#301 fixed Draging selected Nodes
#306 fix of multiple listeners problems in ToolOptionContributionItem
#317 preventing Exceptions in EditBlackboard if transformation is not set
#325 fixed CRS/SRS paremeter for WMS 1.3.0 GetFeatureInfo Requests
#330 Cursor Position tool considers Locale when parsing Coordinate String
#338 Exception Handling for LineTool and PolygonTool
#343 Correctly calculate the winding of triangles
#351 InitMapCRS Interceptor doesn't init Map-CRS if defaultCRSPreference
is set
#304 selection box doesn't vanish occasionally selecting with Drag&Drop
#306 Support for Text widget for ToolOptionContributionItem
#218 Bulk feature Copy or Move between Layers
#299 Improved rendering by considering min and max scales before read
#307 externalized strings to allow translations
#313 Allows to configure fill transparency for edit geometries (Preferences)
#324 Allows to configure vertex transparency for edit geometries (Preferences)
#333 DinstanceTool handles Map zoom in/out correctly
#284 Display character encoding in LayerSummary of Shapefile layers
#329 DrawCoordinate command added
#277 Adds Perspective Switcher to Application
#292 Disallow DropFilterAction between same layers
#266 document bundle seperated to have more control creation Appliactions using SDK
#285 test bundles names using same pattern
#356 Using latest Tycho Release (1.4.0) for build chain