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Testing Guide

LobeVidol's testing strategy includes unit testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing. Below is a detailed description of each type of testing:


Unit Testing

Unit testing is used to test the functionality of independent units in the application (such as components, functions, utility functions, etc.). We use vitest for unit testing.

To run unit tests, you can use the following command:

npm run test

This will run all unit tests and generate a test report.

We encourage developers to write corresponding unit tests while writing code to ensure the quality and stability of the code.

🚧 End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing is used to test the functionality and performance of the application in a real environment. It simulates real user operations and verifies the application's performance in different scenarios.

Currently, LobeVidol does not have integrated end-to-end testing, but we will gradually introduce it in future iterations.

Development Testing

1. Unit Testing

Unit testing is conducted on the smallest testable units in the application, typically targeting functions, components, or modules. In LobeVidol, we use vitest for unit testing.

Writing Test Cases

Before writing unit tests, you need to create a directory that matches the directory of the file being tested and name the test file <filename>.test.ts. For example, if you want to test the src/utils/formatDate.ts file, the test file should be named src/utils/formatDate.test.ts.

In the test file, you can use the describe and it functions to organize and write test cases. The describe function is used to create a test suite, while the it function is used to write specific test cases.

import { formatNumber } from './formatNumber';

describe('formatNumber', () => {
  it('should format number with comma separator', () => {
    const result = formatNumber(1000);

  it('should return the same number if it is less than 1000', () => {
    const result = formatNumber(500);

In the test cases, you can use the expect function to assert whether the test results meet expectations. The expect function can be used with various matchers, such as toBe, toEqual, toBeTruthy, etc.

Running Unit Tests

To execute the unit tests, run the following command:

npm run test

This will run all unit tests and output the test results.

Testing Strategy

To write effective test cases, you can consider the following testing strategies:

  • Boundary Condition Testing: Test the boundary conditions of inputs, such as minimum values, maximum values, null values, etc.
  • Exception Handling Testing: Test the code that handles exceptional situations, such as error handling and fallbacks in exceptional cases.
  • Functional Testing: Test whether various functional modules of the application work correctly, including user interactions and data processing.
  • Compatibility Testing: Test the application's compatibility across different browsers and devices.
  • Performance Testing: Test the application's performance under different loads, such as response time and resource usage.

Additionally, ensure that your test cases have good coverage, addressing key code and functionality within the application.

By properly writing and executing unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, you can enhance the quality and stability of the application and promptly identify and fix potential issues.