A reusable app to add simple favicon.ico handling for your site.
Install "django-favicon" using pip or easy_install:
pip install django-favicon
Add "favicon" to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'favicon', )
Add favicon URL patterns to urls.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^', include('favicon.urls')), )
Put favicon.ico into your STATIC_ROOT. and you good to go, /favicon.ico will automatically redirect to /static/favicon.ico if your STATIC_URL = '/static/'.
Otherwise you can set a custom path to your favicon using FAVICON_PATH setting. For example:
FAVICON_PATH = STATIC_URL + 'images/favicon.png'
You can run the tests with via:
python setup.py test
python runtests.py
- PyPI (Downloads)
- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-favicon
- Official repository
- https://github.com/littlepea/django-favicon
- Issue tracker
- https://github.com/littlepea/django-favicon/issues
- Developed and maintained under supervision of Evgeny Demchenko