this document describes how to move the root directory of a RPI from the sd card onto a RAID array
I enable pcie gen 3 using raspi-config (advanced section)
sudo raspi-config
sudo rpi-eeprom-update
mdadm is used to create a SW RAID array
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install mdadm
find the disks you want to add to your md device and change the second line accordingly
ls -al /dev/disk/by-path/
sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1
check the progress of creation, i'd suggest waiting until building is finished
´watch -n 3 cat /proc/mdstat`
sudo su
mdadm --detail --scan /dev/md0 >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
these modules will be included when building the init ram fs so the md can be mounted
sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
and add
up until now i've been able to just update:
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo mkdir /mnt/clone
sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/clone
get device from /etc/mtab
or ls -al /dev/disk/by-path/
and change second command accordingly
sudo mkdir /mnt/rootfs
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/rootfs
sudo rsync -axv /mnt/rootfs/* /mnt/clone
sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
root= becomes your md device, add rootddelay=5 (or larger) if md takes a while to be built
console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/md0 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait rootdelay=5
sudo nano /mnt/clone/etc/fstab
change the line to match your md device
/dev/md0 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
striping and mirroring using nvme allows for high speed data transfer, since i'm runing some resource intensive services i've increased the size of my swap to 32GB
turn swap off and edit config
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
change config to
turn swap back on
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon