OJS (Open Judge System) is an open source system for online algorithm competitions. The algorithm competitions are timed contests where all contestants compete online and are given the same algorithmic problems to solve under the same time and memory constraints. The competitions are currently available in five programming languages: C#, C++, JavaScript, Java and PHP. The system consists of few parts:
- Web interface for users and administrators (ASP.NET MVC)
- Windows service for compiling, executing and checking user submissions
- Restricted process executor using Windows APIs
- Compiler wrappers and checkers
Originally developed by:
- Nikolay Kostov (https://github.com/NikolayIT)
- Ivaylo Kenov (https://github.com/ivaylokenov)
- Vasil Dininski (https://github.com/dininski)
- Todor Stoyanov (https://github.com/todorstoianov)
Other contributors:
- Vladislav Karamfilov (https://github.com/vladislav-karamfilov)
The system is licensed under MIT License