Releases: linuxgurugamer/KerbinSpaceStation
Thanks to github user @zhangyuesai for these fixes:
StationCoreCombined.cfg, ReplaceFaultyModule.cfg and BaseCreate.cfg all have power module validation. But the titles are slightly different among contracts, and even in the same contracts. This PR makes them consistent.
In BaseCreate.cfg, hideChildren is changed to false to show power module requirement explicitly, making it consistent with the other two contracts.
Adds KopernicusSolarPanel validation to ReplaceFaultyModule.cfg and BaseCreate.cfg, so the two contracts are available when Kopernicus is installed.
Fixes some typos.
Thanks to github user @zhangyuesai for this:
Fix SSPXr compatibilit
Fixed formatting in file StationMissions/StationCoreCombined.cfg
Uncommented stanza in StationMissions/StationCoreCombined.cfg to allow
the KopernicusSolarPanels to be used in the contract
Thanks to github user @TakashiSenpai for this:
for SSPX, adds the parameters to have a core of a certain size and a habitat in the same size ballpark
Broke parts from different mods into different PARAMETERS, controlled
with ModuleManager, to avoid CC errors
Added following Cupolas from various mods:
part = sspx-dome-cupola-5-1
part = sspx-cupola-greenhouse-125-1
part = sspx-observation-25-1
part = sspx-cupola-125-1
part = sspx-cupola-375-1
part = sspx-cupola-1875-1
part = KKAOSS_Cupola_g
part = ht2_moduleCupola
Changed module name of KopernicusSolarPanels to KopernicusSolarPanel,
needed for latest version of Kopernicus. Note: For those few users using
the older Sigma version of Kopernicus on 1.8.1, this will fail. I've set
the .version to make this 1.9.1 and later to avoid most of those issues
Updated BaseScan contract with new part from SCANSat
Removed requirements for KopernicusSolarPanel in the StationCore.cfg since it now modifies stock solar panels
Changed name of KopernicusSolarPanel to KopernicusSolarPanels