This is a paste web service. It supports:
- Syntax highlighting for various languages.
- Choosing the associated channel.
- Annotations.
- Preview.
- Browsing pastes.
- Completely themable, the presentation is separated from the logic.
- Pretty URLs.
- Install PostgreSQL server and development modules.
- Install libfcgi and development modules.
- Install Takusen with the -fpostgres flag, this is important.
- Install nginx or some other FastCGI-capable server. This package includes a handy nginx configuration file.
Go to the extracted amelie/ package directory.
$ cabal install takusen -fpostgres
$ cabal install
You can alternatively configure and build instead of installing, but this installs the dependencies for you.
Create a postgresql role and database for `amelie'. Then import the initial database:
$ pg_restore -c -d amelie -U amelie amelie.dump
Copy the amelie.conf.example to amelie.conf and fill in the database details.
Start the server:
$ cabal test nginx start
$ cabal test fastcgi start
Go to your web browser and visit: