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Licenseware SDK

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This is the licenseware Python3 sdk useful for quickly create apps. The SDK handles the repetetive actions needed for creating an app (file uploads/validation, background events, api routes and more). It helps you focus on processsing the files needed and creating reports.



Basic app flow:

  • User sends list of file names;
  • App through the validator function of the uploader checks which files are relevant and returns a list of validated file names;
  • User uploads the actual files, filtered based on the list provided by the uploader (the front-end does this);
  • The uploader receives the files, runs the validation on the actual file contents (before it only had the file names), and sends the valid files to the worker_function;
  • The worker function processes the files and saves them to mongo based on the structure in the serializers;
  • Once the data is fully analyzed, the user can either view data as reports or as editable tables.

Here are the steps needed for local development of an app:

  • Install the sdk globally or on a virtual environment (python3.8) with the following command: pip3 install git+https://[email protected]/licenseware/licenseware-sdk-v2.git;
  • Create a github repository following this naming convention xxxx-service (where xxxx it's an unique lowercase acronym for the service);
  • Clone the repo for your service;
  • CD in the cloned repo locally;
  • Create a new app with the same name as the github repository: licenseware new-app xxxx-service;
  • Run licenseware --help to see more commands;

Each app depends on 2 services to run:

  1. Runing the app with stack-manager which make available the Authentification service and Registry service:
  • Click here and follow the stack manager docs
  • If you have the stack-manager up and running and want to run the app without docker you can start locally with:
    • make run-local (the url will be available at http://localhost:5000/your-app-id/docs)
  1. Running the app without stack-manager:
  • make sure you have the default mongo connection string for mongo installed locally (mongodb://localhost:27017/db);
  • if mongo in docker works on MAC M1 then you can use the following make commands: make start-mongo, make stop-mongo, make logs-mongo;
  • you will have mongoexpress running at: http://localhost:8081/.
  • make run-nostack-mongo (this will start the app with only mongodb as a dependency);
  • open url localhost:5000/api/docs for swagger endpoint testing;
  1. Running the app without any external dependency:
  • make run-nostack-nomongo (this will start the app without needing mongodb up and running. It uses mongita to save data. Mongita doesn't support aggregation pipelines so this method should be avoided. Also you can't view data with MongoDB Compass or Mongo Express. );


Clone the repo, and install the sdk with

make install-sdk

Or install it with pip:

pip3 install wheel_sdk/licenseware-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Or download the sdk wheel from this link and install it with pip.

I repository is public you can install it straight from github.

pip3 install git+https://[email protected]/licenseware/licenseware-sdk-v2.git

Install from a specific branch

pip3 install git+https://[email protected]/licenseware/licenseware-sdk-v2.git@branch_name

Install from a specific tag

pip3 install git+https://[email protected]/licenseware/licenseware-sdk-v2.git@tag_name

You can use git+ssh if you have ssh keys configured. Uninstall with pip3 uninstall licenseware.

SDK new version release

  • In update the package version;
  • Create a tag with that version ex: git tag -a v0.0.11;
  • You can list available tags with git tag -n;
  • Push created tag with git push --tags

Now you use pip to install it from that specific tag:

pip3 install git+https://[email protected]/licenseware/[email protected]

If you want to add more details regarding this package release you can Create a new release

  • Click the link Releases;
  • Click Draft a new release;
  • Click Tags;
  • Select latest tag version name;
  • Add title and description for the release;

Optionally you can create a wheel for this package:

python3 bdist_wheel sdist

And add it to binaries on the release.

A minimal app

Bellow is a full working example of almost all features the sdk provides.

Start the service with docker-compose up -d

import datetime
from trend_app_protect import wrap_wsgi_app

from flask import Flask
from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

from licenseware.mongodata import mongodata

from licenseware.app_builder import AppBuilder
from licenseware.common.constants import (envs, filters, flags, icons,
from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder
from licenseware.notifications import notify_upload_status
from licenseware.report_builder import ReportBuilder
from licenseware.report_components import BaseReportComponent
from licenseware.report_components.style_attributes import styles
from licenseware.uploader_builder import UploaderBuilder
from licenseware.uploader_validator import UploaderValidator
from licenseware.utils.logger import log

from licenseware.schema_namespace import SchemaNamespace, MongoCrud
from licenseware.editable_table import EditableTable, metaspecs

app = Flask(__name__)


App = AppBuilder(
    name = 'Infrastructure Mapper',
    description = 'Overview of devices and networks',
    flags = [flags.BETA]


# Here is the worker function 
# which will process the files in the background
def rv_tools_worker(event_data):
    # Event data will contain the following information
    # event_data = {
    #     'tenant_id': 'the tenant_id from request',
    #     'filepaths': 'absolute file paths to the files uploaded',
    #     'event_id': 'the current event_id of the uploaded files',
    #     'uploader_id': 'the uploader id in our case rv_tools'
    #     'flask_request':  'data as dict from flask request'
    # }"Starting working")
    notify_upload_status(event_data, status=states.RUNNING)
    log.debug(event_data) # here add the processing file logic
    notify_upload_status(event_data, status=states.IDLE)"Finished working")

# Here we are defining the validation required for each upload
# If overwriting bellow mentioned methods is not necessary you can use `UploaderValidator` directly 

class RVToolsUploaderValidator(UploaderValidator): 
    # If necessary you can overwrite bellow mentioned methods
    # def calculate_quota(self, flask_request) -> Tuple[dict, int]:
    # responsible for calculating quota based on tenant_id and returning a json response, status code 
    # ...
    # def get_filenames_response(self, flask_request): 
    # responsible for validating filenames and returning a json response, status code
    # ...
    # def get_file_objects_response(self, flask_request): 
    #   responsible for validating filenames, their contents and returning a json response, status code
    # ...

rv_tools_validator = RVToolsUploaderValidator(
    filename_contains = ['RV', 'Tools'],
    filename_endswith = ['.xls', '.xlsx'],
    ignore_filenames  = ['skip_this_file.csv'],
    required_input_type = "excel",
    min_rows_number = 1,
    required_sheets = ['tabvInfo', 'tabvCPU', 'tabvHost', 'tabvCluster'],
    required_columns = [
        'VM', 'Host', 'OS', 'Sockets', 'CPUs', 'Model', 'CPU Model',
        'Cluster', '# CPU', '# Cores', 'ESX Version', 'HT Active',
        'Name', 'NumCpuThreads', 'NumCpuCores'

# Here we are creating the uploader 
# Notice we are providing the the validator created up to `validator_class` parameter
# `worker_function` will be called when `uploader_id` is triggered
# The `uploader_id` event is triggered when files are uploaded to `/uploads/uploader_id/files` route

rv_tools_uploader = UploaderBuilder(
    uploader_id = 'rv_tools',
    description="XLSX export from RVTools after scanning your Vmware infrastructure.", 
    accepted_file_types=['.xls', '.xlsx'],
    quota_units = 1

# Here we are:
# - adding the uploader to the main app (uploaders list)
# - sending uploader information to registry-service


class VirtualOverview(BaseReportComponent):
    def __init__(
        title: str, 
        component_id: str, 
        component_type: str
        self.title = title
        self.component_id = component_id
        self.component_type = component_type
    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        match_filters = self.get_mongo_match_filters(flask_request)

        return ['mongo pipeline result']
    def set_attributes(self):
        # Short hand based on value_key
        # See based on component type funcs from: licenseware.report_components.attributes
        value_key_and_icon = [
            ("number_of_devices", icons.SERVERS), 
            ("number_of_databases", icons.DATABASE_ROUNDED)

        # Set values straight to self.attributes
        self.attributes = self.build_attributes(value_key_and_icon)
        # Or raw dict (same results are achived using the method up)
        attributes = {'series': [
                'value_description': 'Number of devices',
                'value_key': 'number_of_devices',
                'icon': 'ServersIcon'
                'value_description': 'Number of databases',
                'value_key': 'number_of_databases',
                'icon': 'DatabaseIconRounded'
        # You can also return attributes
        return attributes
    def set_style_attributes(self):
        # You can set a dictionary directly or return a dict like bellow
        self.style_attributes = {
            'width': '1/3'
        # or import `style_attributes` dataclass
        # from licenseware.report_components.style_attributes import style_attributes as styles
        style_attributes = self.build_style_attributes([
        return style_attributes
    def set_allowed_filters(self):
        # Provide a list of allowed filters for this component
        return [
            # You can use the build_filter method
                    filters.EQUALS, filters.CONTAINS, filters.IN_LIST
                visible_name="Device Name", 
                # validate:bool = True # This will check field_name and allowed_filters
            # or you can create the dictionary like bellow (disadvantage no autocomplete, no checks)
                "column": "database_name",
                "allowed_filters": [
                    "equals", "contains", "in_list"
                "visible_name": "Database Name"

virtual_overview = VirtualOverview(

# Register component to registry-service (to act as a first class citizen)

# Component order is determined by it's position in the list

# Define a report wich holds one or more report components
virtualization_details_report = ReportBuilder(
    name="Virtualization Details",
    description="This report gives you a detailed view of your virtual infrastructure. Deep dive into the infrastructure topology, identify devices with missing host details and capping rules for licensing.",


# We can add also custom namespaces to main IFMP Api

from flask import Flask, request
import flask_restx as restx
from flask_restx import Resource, Api
import marshmallow as ma
from licenseware.common import marshmallow_to_restx_model # import the converter function

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

class SimpleNestedSchema(ma.Schema):
    simple_nested_field = ma.fields.String(required=False, metadata={'description': 'the description of simple_nested_field'})

class SimpleSchema(ma.Schema):
    simple_field1 = ma.fields.String(required=True, metadata={'description': 'the description of simple_field1'})
    simple_nest = ma.fields.Nested(SimpleNestedSchema)

# Give it as parameters the flask-restx `Api` or `Namespace` instance and the Marshmallow schema
simple_nest_from_schema = marshmallow_to_restx_model(api, SimpleSchema)

class MaSimpleNest(Resource):
    # Place it where you need a restx model
    @api.expect(simple_nest_from_schema, validate=True)
    def post(self):
        return request.json
# Add it to main app 
# it will have the same namespace prefix /ifmp/v1/ + ns-prefix/custom-api-route
App.register_namespace(custom_ns, path='/ns-prefix')

# If the namespace defined up it's used on all apps 
# add it to licenseware sdk in app_builder default routes

# EndpointBuilder

# Endpoints can be generated from functions or marshmellow schemas
# add http method as a prefix to schema or function handler (get_some_data, PostDeviceDataSchema etc)

# Here we are using a function to create an endpoint like /custom_endpoint/custom_data_from_mongo

def get_custom_data_from_mongo(flask_request):
    """ Custom documentation """
    # Some logic here

    return "Some data"

custom_func_endpoint = EndpointBuilder(get_custom_data_from_mongo)


# Here we are using a marshmellow schema to generate an endpoint

class DeviceData(Schema):
    class Meta:
        collection_name = envs.MONGO_COLLECTION_DATA_NAME
        methods = ['GET', 'PUT']
    tenant_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    updated_at = fields.Str(required=False)
    device_name = fields.Str(required=True)
    device_model = fields.Str(required=False)
custom_schema_endpoint = EndpointBuilder(DeviceData)


# Namespace from marshmallow schema using SchemaNamespace class

# Defining our schema
class UserSchema(Schema):
    """ Here is some Namespace docs for user """
    name = fields.Str(required=True)
    occupation = fields.Str(required=True)

# Overwritting mongo crud methods 
class UserOperations(MongoCrud):
    def __init__(self, schema: Schema, collection: str):
        self.schema = schema
        self.collection = collection
        super().__init__(schema, collection)
    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        query = self.get_query(flask_request)
        results = mongodata.fetch(match=query, collection=self.collection)

        return {"status": states.SUCCESS, "message": results}, 200
    def post_data(self, flask_request):

        query = UserOperations.get_query(flask_request)

        data = dict(query, **{
            "updated_at": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}

        inserted_docs = mongodata.insert(

        return inserted_docs
    def put_data(self, flask_request):
        query = self.get_query(flask_request)
        updated_docs = mongodata.update(
            new_data=dict(query, **{"updated_at": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}),
        if updated_docs == 0:
            return {"status": states.SUCCESS, "message": "Query didn't matched any data"}, 400
        return {"status": states.SUCCESS, "message": ""}, 200
    def delete_data(self, flask_request):

        query = self.get_query(flask_request)

        deleted_docs = mongodata.delete(match=query, collection=self.collection)

        return deleted_docs

# A restx namespace is generated on instantiation
UserNs = SchemaNamespace(

# Adding the namespace generated from schema to our App
user_ns = UserNs.initialize()

# Editable tables
# In the case we need to have on the front-end an datatable which can be modified by the user the `EditableTable` class can help us create a crud workflow from a marshmellow schema
# We can provide information about columns using the `metadata` parameter available on marshmellog `fields` object

# The metadata dict can hold the following values: 

# "editable":bool tell front-end if values from this column can be modified by the user 
# "visible": bool tell front-end if it should render column to be visible to the user
# "distinct_key":str ?
# "foreign_key":str  ?

# Using the method bellow routes will be created with SchemaNamespace class 

class DeviceTableSchema(Schema):
    class Meta:
        collection = envs.MONGO_COLLECTION_DATA_NAME
        methods = ['GET', 'PUT']
    _id = fields.Str(required=False, unique=True)
    tenant_id = fields.Str(required=True)
    updated_at = fields.Str(required=False)
    raw_data = fields.Str(required=False, allow_none=True)
    name = fields.Str(required=True, 
        metadata=metaspecs(editable=True, visible=True)
    is_parent_to = fields.List(
        fields.Str(), required=False, allow_none=True,

    is_child_to = fields.Str(
        required=False, allow_none=True,

    is_part_of_cluster_with =  fields.List(
        fields.Str(), required=False, allow_none=True,
    is_dr_with =  fields.List(
        fields.Str(), required=False, allow_none=True,
    capped = fields.Boolean(
        required=True, allow_none=False, 
    total_number_of_processors = fields.Integer(
        required=False, allow_none=True, 
    oracle_core_factor = fields.Float(
        required=False, allow_none=True, 

devices_editable_table = EditableTable(
    title="All Devices",


# Overwrite editable tables default crud methods from SchemaNamespace

# In the case the default crud methods provided by SchemaNamespace class do not fit our case we can overwrite the method needed.

# Same schema but with another name to avoid colisions
class ProcessorsTableSchema(DeviceTableSchema): ...

# custom handling of data
class InfraService:
    def __init__(self, schema:Schema, collection:str):
        self.schema = schema
        self.collection = collection
    def replace_one(self, json_data:dict):
        #custom handling of json_data
        return ["the overwritten put_data method results"]

# inherits from MongoCrud and overwrites `put_data` and `get_data` methods 
class ProcessorOp(MongoCrud):
    def __init__(self, schema: Schema, collection: str):
        self.schema = schema
        self.collection = collection
        super().__init__(schema, collection)
    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        return str(flask_request)
    def put_data(self, flask_request):
        query = self.get_query(flask_request)
        return InfraService(
# creating the restx namespace
ProcessorNs = SchemaNamespace(
    mongo_crud_class=ProcessorOp  # feeding the custom crud class to SchemaNamespace 

# instantiating the editable tables
processor_table = EditableTable(
    title="All Processors",
    namespace=ProcessorNs # here we provide our custom namespace
# same as up register the editable table

# Call init_app in the flask function factory 
# Register app to registry-service

# Protect the app with TrendMicro Application Security
# app = wrap_wsgi_app(app)

if __name__ == "__main__":  , debug=True)
# Userid / Tenantid
# 3d1fdc6b-04bc-44c8-ae7c-5fa5b9122f1a
# dramatiq -p4 --watch ./ --queues odb

Make commands:

  • make test - run all unit tests.
  • make dev-docs - this command will start a pdoc3 http server use for viewing and updating documentation for the app created;
  • make docs - this command will generate html docs based on docstrings provided in the app;

Documentation generated can be added later to github pages.

See more about documentation creation here pdoc3.

What is an App?

Each Licenseware App/Service is responsible for:

  • processing files submitted by the user;
  • creating custom reports based on processed data from files.

Each APP has:

  • one or more uploaders
  • one or more reports
  • one or more report components

Each UPLOADER has:

  • one file validator class
  • one file processing/worker function

Each REPORT has:

  • one or more report components
  • report components can be attached either to app builder instance or to report builder instance


  • one get_data method;
  • one url where data can be accessed;

Set environment variables

Fist make sure you have set the environment variables:


APP_ID={{ app_id }}

USE_BACKGROUND_WORKER set to false or not present will skip using background server and process the uploaders data straight on request.

App declaration

AppBuilder class will be used to define our App. This class will handle:

  • automatic api generation;
  • sending to registry service information about uploader_builder, report_builder, report_components and others if needed.

from licenseware.app_builder import AppBuilder
from licenseware.common.constants import flags

ifmp_app = AppBuilder(
    name = 'Infrastructure Mapper',
    description = 'Overview of devices and networks',
    flags = [flags.BETA]

The ifmp_app instance is now ready to attach other uploaders, reports, report components (or others) using ifmp_app.register_X methods.

Uploader declaration

The uploader is responsible for:

  • validating files received from user;
  • calculating quota for user and sending the appropiate response if quota exceded;
  • uploading files to disk;
  • triggering worker_function to process the files in the background;

Each uploader needs a validator_class and a worker_function.

Creating the worker_function

Here is the worker function which will process the files in the background.

from licenseware.notification import notify_upload_status
from licenseware.utils.logger import log

def rv_tools_worker(event:dict):"Starting working")
    log.debug(event) # here add the processing file logic
    notify_upload_status(event, status=states.IDLE)"Finished working")

The event will be a dictionary with the following contents:

    'tenant_id': flask_request.headers.get("Tenantid"),
    'filepaths': valid_filepaths, 
    'uploader_id': uploader_id,
    'event_id': event_id,
    'flask_request':  {**flask_body, **flask_headers},
    'validation_response': 'response from validator class'

Based on given event the worker_function will process the files.

Creating the validator_class

Here we are defining the validation and quota calculation required for each upload.

Create a new class which inherits from UploaderValidator and overwrite calculate_quota function. Method calculate_quota receives a flask request as a parameter which can be used to extract files and tenant_id needed for quota calculation.

Finally, instantiate the validator class with the required parameters needed for validation.

from typing import Tuple
from licenseware.uploader_validator import UploaderValidator

class RVToolsUploaderValidator(UploaderValidator): 
    # Overwrite `calculate_quota`, `get_filenames_response` or `get_file_objects_response` if needed
    # Otherwise you can just instantiate the class validator from `UploaderValidator` 
rv_tools_validator = RVToolsUploaderValidator(
    filename_contains = ['RV', 'Tools'],
    filename_endswith = ['.xls', '.xlsx'],
    ignore_filenames  = ['skip_this_file.csv'],
    required_input_type = "excel",
    min_rows_number = 1,
    required_sheets = ['tabvInfo', 'tabvCPU', 'tabvHost', 'tabvCluster'],
    required_columns = [
        'VM', 'Host', 'OS', 'Sockets', 'CPUs', 'Model', 'CPU Model',
        'Cluster', '# CPU', '# Cores', 'ESX Version', 'HT Active',
        'Name', 'NumCpuThreads', 'NumCpuCores'

If parameters provided for validating filenames and contents are not enough you can also overwrite: calculate_quota, get_filenames_response and get_file_objects_response methods.

  • calculate_quota: given a flask request object calculates quota for tenant_id based on current processing units (by default it's using len(files) got from request)
  • get_filenames_response : given a flask request object validates filenames and returns a json response, status code
  • get_file_objects_response : given a flask request object validates filenames and contents and returns a json response, status code

Now we have rv_tools_validator as a validator_class and rv_tools_worker as a worker_function.

from licenseware.uploader_builder import UploaderBuilder
from licenseware.uploader_validator import UploaderValidator

from ...worker import rv_tools_worker
from ...validator import rv_tools_validator

rv_tools_uploader = UploaderBuilder(
    uploader_id = 'rv_tools',
    description="XLSX export from RVTools after scanning your Vmware infrastructure.", 
    accepted_file_types=['.xls', '.xlsx'],

Great! Now we have an uploader defined!

We can later import the uploader in our main file and register it to our defined App. The registering process will take care of api generation for uploaders.


Of course defining an uploader can be defined in just one file too.

Report declaration

A Report is composed of one or more report components. Each report component will inherit from BaseReportComponent class.

Creating the Report component

The following methods will need to be overwrited:

  • get_data : receives a flask request needs to return data for the declared report component;

    • use match_filters = self.get_mongo_match_filters(flask_request) to get default pipeline filters (tenant_id and filters from front-end);
  • set_attributes : return based on component_type component metadata which is used by front-end to render data received from get_data method;

  • set_style_attributes : return component style metadata which is used by front-end to apply different css attributes (width, height, color etc);

A NotImplmentedError exception will raise if methods mentioned up are not overwritted.

from licenseware.report_components import BaseReportComponent
from licenseware.report_components.style_attributes import style_attributes as styles
from licenseware.common.constants import icons
# These are v3 implementations of report attributes
from licenseware.report_components import TableAttrs, SummaryAttrs, StyleAttrs

class VirtualOverview(BaseReportComponent):
    def __init__(
        title: str, 
        component_id: str, 
        component_type: str
        self.title = title
        self.component_id = component_id
        self.component_type = component_type
    def get_data(self, flask_request):
        match_filters = self.get_mongo_match_filters(flask_request)

        return ['mongo pipeline result']
    def set_attributes(self):
        # Short hand based on value_key
        # See based on component type funcs from: licenseware.report_components.attributes
        value_key_and_icon = [
            ("number_of_devices", icons.SERVERS), 
            ("number_of_databases", icons.DATABASE_ROUNDED)

        # Set values straight to self.attributes
        self.attributes = self.build_attributes(value_key_and_icon)
        # Or raw dict (same results are achived using the method up)
        attributes = {'series': [
                'value_description': 'Number of devices',
                'value_key': 'number_of_devices',
                'icon': 'ServersIcon'
                'value_description': 'Number of databases',
                'value_key': 'number_of_databases',
                'icon': 'DatabaseIconRounded'

        # Or use the v3 implementation of this
        # Checkout licenseware/report_components/attributesv3 for more info

        summary = (
        attributes = summary.metadata

        # You can also return attributes
        return attributes
    def set_style_attributes(self):
        # You can set a dictionary directly or return a dict like bellow
        self.style_attributes = {
            'width': '1/3'
        # or import `style_attributes` dataclass
        # from licenseware.report_components.style_attributes import style_attributes as styles
        style_attributes = self.build_style_attributes([

        # Or v3 implementation of style attributes
        style_attributes = StyleAttrs().width_one_third.metadata
        return style_attributes

    def set_allowed_filters(self):
        # Provide a list of allowed filters for this component
        return [
            # You can use the build_filter method
                    filters.EQUALS, filters.CONTAINS, filters.IN_LIST
                visible_name="Device Name", 
                # validate:bool = True # This will check field_name and allowed_filters
            # or you can create the dictionary like bellow (disadvantage no autocomplete, no checks)
                "column": "database_name",
                "allowed_filters": [
                    "equals", "contains", "in_list"
                "visible_name": "Database Name"

virtual_overview = VirtualOverview(

Now virtual_overview is our report_component.

We can later register the component straight to the App or Report


Creating the Report

The report can hold one or more report components.

from licenseware.report_builder import ReportBuilder
from ...some_report_component import virtual_overview

virtualization_details_report = ReportBuilder(
    name="Virtualization Details",
    description="This report gives you a detailed view of your virtual infrastructure.",

We can later add the report to our main App


Reports api will be handled by the ifmp_app instance.

Custom namespaces

We are not restricted using just the apis generated from AppBuilder we can add new custom ones to App/ifmp_app.

from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource

ns = Namespace(
    description="This is a custom namespace with the app prefix"

class CustomApiRoute(Resource):    
    def get(self):
        return "custom-api-route"

We can later import the namespace created to our main file

ifmp_app.register_namespace(custom_ns, path='/ns-prefix')

ifmp_app will make sure it will have the app prefix.

If the custom namespace created is repetead for all apps consider adding it to app_builder package.

You can also use the following CLI command to create a new boilerplate controller:

licenseware new-controller name

This will create the restx controller and handle the imports.

Endpoints from simple functions

Class EndpointBuilder can be used to generate endpoints from simple functions. The function name will be used to extract the http method and the route path (get_custom_data_from_mongo --> GET http-method, /get_custom_data_from_mongo path-route)

from licenseware.endpoint_builder import EndpointBuilder

def get_custom_data_from_mongo(flask_request):
    """ Custom documentation """
    # Some logic here

    return "Some data"

custom_func_endpoint = EndpointBuilder(get_custom_data_from_mongo)

The function will receive a flask request as a parameter and will be added to /custom_endpoint/get_custom_data_from_mongo

Later in our main file:


The main file

In the main file or in create_app builder function (where Flask is instantiated) we can initialize the App with ifmp_app.init_app(app) where app is the Flask instance.

When init_app is invoked all endpoinds defined in app_builder will be created and registration information will be sent to registry-service if register=True. You can also initiate the registration to registry-service process with ifmp_app.register_app()

from flask import Flask
from ...app_definition import ifmp_app
from ...uploader import rv_tools_uploader
from ...some_report_component import virtual_overview
from import virtualization_details_report
from ...some_namespace import ns as custom_ns
from ...func import custom_func_endpoint

app = Flask(__name__)

# These can be placed in `app_definition`  

ifmp_app.register_namespace(custom_ns, path='/ns-prefix')

# Just like any other flask extension
ifmp_app.init_app(app, register=True)    

if __name__ == "__main__":, debug=True)

Licenseware CLI

The licenseware sdk provides also some CLI utilities for quick development. You can invoke the cli with by typing licenseware in the terminal followed by --help for docs.

$ licenseware --help
Usage: licenseware [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Useful CLI commands for automatic code generation, files and folders

  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  build-docs            Build app html docs
  build-sdk-docs        Build licenseware sdk html docs
  create-tests          Create tests from swagger docs Command example: >>...
  new-app               Given app_id build a new app The package structure...
  new-report            Given report_id build a new report The package...
  new-report-component  Given component_id and component_type build a new...
  new-uploader          Given uploader_id build a new uploader The package...
  recreate-files        Recreate files that are needed but missing

See help for a command by specifing the command name followed by --help

$ licenseware new-report-component --help

Create the app from CLI

Create the app from the terminal. Argument new-app requires an app_id. The id will be placed in the .env file.

licenseware new-app ifmp

The entire app structure will be generated

├── app
│   ├── common
│   │   └──
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├── report_components
│   │   └──
│   ├── reports
│   │   └──
│   ├── serializers
│   │   └──
│   ├── services
│   │   └──
│   ├── uploaders
│   │   └──
│   └── utils
│       └──
├── app.log
├── cloudformation-templates
│   ├── odb-api_prod.yml
│   └── odb-api.yml
├── deploy
│   └── jupyter
│       ├── docker-compose.yml
│       └── requirements.txt
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── Dockerfile.stack
├── makefile
├── Procfile
├── Procfile.stack
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements-tests.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── test_files
├── tests
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tox.ini
└── version.txt

14 directories, 32 files

All imports will be handled by the CLI when you create a new uploader, report or report_component from the terminal.

Create a new uploader from CLI

Argument new-uploader needs a uploader_id

licenseware new-uploader rv_tools
└── rv_tools

Uploader id will be rv_tools. Each uploader has a validator and a worker. All imports an routes will be handled by the licenseware sdk. To sparse the logic you can create multiple sub-packages/modules.

Create a new report from CLI

Argument new-report needs a report_id

licenseware new-report virtualization_details
└── virtualization_details

Report id will be virtualization_details. All imports an routes will be handled by the licenseware sdk. To sparse the logic you can create multiple sub-packages/modules.

Create a new report component from CLI

Argument new-report-component needs a component_id and a component_type.

licenseware new-report-component virtual_overview summary
└── virtual_overview

Component id will be virtual_overview and it's component type will be summary. All imports an routes will be handled by the licenseware sdk. To sparse the logic you can create multiple sub-packages/modules.

For more information inspect licenseware package

Working on SDK

  • Each new feature should be placed in a package
  • Add only features that apply to all or most apps
  • TODO

Load testing

baton docs

baton -u http://localhost/appid/yourendpoint -c 10 -r 10000


Basic usage:

On the kafka broker side define topics(channels)

from licensware.pubsub import Topic
from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient

admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': 'mybroker'})

topic = Topic(admin_client)"user_events")"app_events")


On the app side define stream producer (publisher)

from licensware.pubsub import Producer, TopicType, EventType
from confluent_kafka import Producer as KafkaProducer

producer_client = KafkaProducer({'bootstrap.servers': 'mybroker1,mybroker2'})

producer = Producer(producer_client)

data_stream = {
    "event_type": EventType.ACCOUNT_CREATED,
    "tenant_id": None,
    "etc": "data"

producer.publish(TopicType.USER_EVENTS, data)

You can also define a consumer (subscriber)

from confluent_kafka import Consumer as KafkaConsumer
from licenseware.pubsub import EventType, TopicType, Consumer

consumer_client = KafkaConsumer({'bootstrap.servers': 'mybroker1,mybroker2'})

consumer = Consumer(consumer_client)

def account_created_handler(*args, **kwargs):
    return "some processed data"

consumer.dispatch(EventType.ACCOUNT_CREATED, account_created_handler)
# etc

if __name__ == "__main__":