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data "azurerm_client_config" "current_client" {
  count = var.use_current_client == true ? 1 : 0

resource "azurerm_key_vault_access_policy" "client_access" {
  count        = var.use_current_client == true && var.give_current_client_full_access == true ? 1 : 0
  key_vault_id = azurerm_key_vault.keyvault[0].id # Adjust index based on which key vault the policy should apply to
  tenant_id    = element(data.azurerm_client_config.current_client.*.tenant_id, 0)
  object_id    = element(data.azurerm_client_config.current_client.*.object_id, 0)

  key_permissions         = tolist(var.full_key_permissions)
  secret_permissions      = tolist(var.full_secret_permissions)
  certificate_permissions = tolist(var.full_certificate_permissions)
  storage_permissions     = tolist(var.full_storage_permissions)

resource "azurerm_key_vault" "keyvault" {
  for_each = { for vault, key_vault in var.key_vaults : vault => key_vault }

  name                            =
  location                        = each.value.location
  resource_group_name             = each.value.rg_name
  sku_name                        = lower(each.value.sku_name)
  tenant_id                       = var.use_current_client == true ? data.azurerm_client_config.current_client[0].tenant_id : each.value.tenant_id
  enabled_for_deployment          = each.value.enabled_for_deployment
  enabled_for_disk_encryption     = each.value.enabled_for_disk_encryption
  enabled_for_template_deployment = each.value.enabled_for_template_deployment
  enable_rbac_authorization       = each.value.enable_rbac_authorization
  purge_protection_enabled        = each.value.purge_protection_enabled
  soft_delete_retention_days      = each.value.soft_delete_retention_days
  public_network_access_enabled   = each.value.public_network_access_enabled

  dynamic "access_policy" {
    for_each = each.value.access_policy != null ? each.value.access_policy : []
    content {
      tenant_id = access_policy.value.tenant_id
      object_id = access_policy.value.object_id

      key_permissions     = access_policy.value.key_permissions
      secret_permissions  = access_policy.value.secret_permissions
      storage_permissions = access_policy.value.storage_permissions

  dynamic "network_acls" {
    for_each = each.value.network_acls != null ? [each.value.network_acls] : []
    content {
      bypass                     = network_acls.value.bypass
      default_action             = title(network_acls.value.default_action)
      ip_rules                   = network_acls.value.ip_rules
      virtual_network_subnet_ids = network_acls.value.virtual_network_subnet_ids

  tags = each.value.tags

module "diagnostic_settings_custom" {
  source = ""

  for_each = {
    for vault, key_vault in var.key_vaults : vault => key_vault
    if key_vault.create_diagnostic_settings == true && key_vault.diagnostic_settings != null && key_vault.diagnostic_settings_enable_all_logs_and_metrics == false

  diagnostic_settings = merge(
      target_resource_id = azurerm_key_vault.keyvault[each.key].id,

module "diagnostic_settings_enable_all" {
  source = ""

  for_each = {
    for vault, key_vault in var.key_vaults : vault => key_vault
    if key_vault.create_diagnostic_settings == true && key_vault.diagnostic_settings_enable_all_logs_and_metrics == true

  diagnostic_settings = {
    target_resource_id             = azurerm_key_vault.keyvault[each.key].id
    law_id                         = try(each.value.diagnostic_settings.law_id, null)
    diagnostic_settings_name       = "${azurerm_key_vault.keyvault[each.key].name}-diagnostics"
    enable_all_logs                = true
    enable_all_metrics             = true
    storage_account_id             = try(each.value.diagnostic_settings.storage_account_id, null)
    eventhub_name                  = try(each.value.diagnostic_settings.eventhub_name, null)
    eventhub_authorization_rule_id = try(each.value.diagnostic_settings.eventhub_authorization_rule_id, null)
    law_destination_type           = each.value.diagnostic_settings.law_destination_type
    partner_solution_id            = try(each.value.diagnostic_settings.partner_solution_id, null)


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


Name Source Version
diagnostic_settings_custom n/a
diagnostic_settings_enable_all n/a


Name Type
azurerm_key_vault.keyvault resource
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.client_access resource
azurerm_client_config.current_client data source


Name Description Type Default Required
full_certificate_permissions All the available permissions for key access list(string)
full_key_permissions All the available permissions for key access list(string)
full_secret_permissions All the available permissions for key access list(string)
full_storage_permissions All the available permissions for key access list(string)
give_current_client_full_access If you use your current client as the tenant id, do you wish to give it full access to the keyvault? this aids automation, and is thus enable by default for this module. Disable for better security by setting to false bool false no
key_vaults A list of key vaults to create
name = string
location = string
rg_name = string
sku_name = optional(string, "standard")
tenant_id = optional(string)
enabled_for_deployment = optional(bool, true)
enabled_for_disk_encryption = optional(bool, true)
enabled_for_template_deployment = optional(bool, true)
soft_delete_retention_days = optional(number)
public_network_access_enabled = optional(bool)
enable_rbac_authorization = optional(bool, true)
purge_protection_enabled = optional(bool, false) # Easier for automation
access_policy = optional(list(object({
tenant_id = string
object_id = string
key_permissions = list(string)
secret_permissions = list(string)
storage_permissions = list(string)
network_acls = optional(object({
bypass = string
default_action = string
ip_rules = list(string)
virtual_network_subnet_ids = list(string)
contact = optional(list(object({
email = string
name = optional(string)
phone = optional(string)
create_diagnostic_settings = optional(bool, false)
diagnostic_settings_enable_all_logs_and_metrics = optional(bool, false)
diagnostic_settings = optional(object({
diagnostic_settings_name = optional(string)
storage_account_id = optional(string)
eventhub_name = optional(string)
eventhub_authorization_rule_id = optional(string)
law_id = optional(string)
law_destination_type = optional(string, "Dedicated")
partner_solution_id = optional(string)
enabled_log = optional(list(object({
category = optional(string)
category_group = optional(string)
})), [])
metric = optional(list(object({
category = string
enabled = optional(bool, true)
})), [])
enable_all_logs = optional(bool, false)
enable_all_metrics = optional(bool, false)
}), null)
tags = map(string)
[] no
use_current_client If you wish to use the current client config or not bool true no


Name Description
client_access_policy_certificate_permissions The key permissions of the client access policy.
client_access_policy_id The ID of the client access policy.
client_access_policy_key_permissions The key permissions of the client access policy.
client_access_policy_secret_permissions The key permissions of the client access policy.
key_vault_ids The IDs of the created Key Vaults.
key_vault_locations The locations of the created Key Vaults.
key_vault_names The names of the created Key Vaults.
key_vault_uris The uris of the created Key Vaults.