- fcn
- segnet
- erfnet
- pspnet
- unet
- pytorch 0.2.0
- torchvision 0.2.0
- python 3.5.2
- cython
Recommand you use virtualenv.
virtualenv -p python3 YourVirtualEnv --no-site-packages
git clone https://github.com/mapleneverfade/pytorch-semantic-segmentation.git
To speed up calculating IoU:
cd ./utils/cityscape/
python setup.py install
If gpu is available:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --datadir ./data/ --savedir ./save_models/ --model segnet
python3 train.py --cuda False --datadir ./data/ --savedir ./save_models/ --model segnet
There are some example pictures in ./data, so you could just run the command to test whether it work.
--model model to use ['segnet fcn8 fcn16 fcn32 erfnet pspnet unet'] [default=segnet]·
--datadir where you store [train/val].In my case, './data' should have subfolders './data/train/' and './data/val/' where store image.txt' and 'label.txt'. [default='./data/']
--savedir path to savedir [default='./save_models/']
--lr learning rate [default=5e-4]·
--num-epochs epochs [default=150]·
--num-classes number of labels, pascalvoc is 21, cityscape is 20. change it when you training your own dataset.[default=21]
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 test.py --datadir ./data/test --model segnet --model-dir ./save_models/segnet_50.pth --save-dir ./results/
"--model-dir" is the path to your trained model
--model [default=segnet]
--model-dir path to your trained model. For example './save_models/segnet/segnet_epoch_5.pth'
--datadir [default='./data/test/']
--num-classes number of labels, pascalvoc is 21, cityscape is 20. change it when you training your own dataset.[default=21]
--size reshape size [default=(672,480)]
--savedir [default='./results/']
split_train_val.py mainly to split original [image.txt,label.txt] into './train/[image.txt,label.txt]' and './val/[image.txt,label.txt]'
Options for split:
--savedir [default='./data/']
--imagepath path to your own image.txt
--labelpath path to your own label.txt
--random-state random seed [default=10000]
--train-size ratio of train set [default=0.7]
--val-size ratio of val set [default=0.3]
For example, if your original folder like this :
After run 'python3 split_train_val.py --savedir ./data --imagepath ./data/image.txt --labelpath ./data/label.txt', you will see this:
- More train and test options see ./options
- datadir include image.txt and label.txt, and the default datasets is for pascalvoc
- If you want train your own data. Remember to modify your data labels in ./utils/cityscapes/helpers/labels,and NUM_CLASSES in options.
- You can change the way the model load data in ./dataloader/ to fit your format of dataset.
- test.py would calculate the mIoU and save the result of segmented picture in --savedir.
- More Network
- Clean up the code.