LeNER-Br: a Dataset for Named Entity Recognition in Brazilian Legal Text is a project developed as a collaboration between two institutions of the University of Brasília: NEXT (Núcleo de P&D para Excelência e Transformação do Setor Público) and CiC (Departamento de Ciência da Computação).
I didn't have any participation in the original project.
This repository was forked from the original code to add per-entity evaluation by means of the seqeval lib. The original code included only per-token evaluation which is unusual for NER. More information can be found in the original work page.
In the following, one can see comparisons between per-token and per-entity evaluations over both dev and test sets. Per-token results presented below vary a bit from the ones in the original paper since we have trained a new model. Although we used the provided code, results may vary for different reasons. Anyway, per-entity results are a few points below the per-token results, as expected. For the DEV set, overall per-entity f-score is around 7 points below per-token performance. For the TEST set, the difference is around 6 points of f-score.
Per-token evaluation (original results)
precision recall f1-score support
JURISPRUDENCIA 0.9165 0.7833 0.8447 743
LOCAL 0.8614 0.5861 0.6976 244
TEMPO 0.9550 0.9374 0.9461 543
PESSOA 0.9808 0.9720 0.9764 894
LEGISLACAO 0.9626 0.9360 0.9491 2609
ORGANIZACAO 0.8944 0.8794 0.8868 1608
avg / total 0.9390 0.8973 0.9165 6641
Per-entity evaluation
Number of sentences: 1176
Number of tokens: 41166
precision recall f1-score support
TEMPO 0.9198 0.9316 0.9257 234
ORGANIZACAO 0.8309 0.8279 0.8294 552
LEGISLACAO 0.8857 0.8589 0.8721 397
LOCAL 0.7831 0.5963 0.6771 109
JURISPRUDENCIA 0.7469 0.5902 0.6594 205
PESSOA 0.9435 0.9161 0.9296 310
micro avg 0.8650 0.8224 0.8431 1807
macro avg 0.8614 0.8224 0.8400 1807
Per-token evaluation (original results)
precision recall f1-score support
JURISPRUDENCIA 0.9288 0.8697 0.8983 660
LOCAL 0.7636 0.6364 0.6942 132
TEMPO 0.8889 0.9231 0.9057 260
PESSOA 0.9472 0.9034 0.9248 735
LEGISLACAO 0.9697 0.9697 0.9697 2669
ORGANIZACAO 0.9357 0.8413 0.8860 1367
avg / total 0.9459 0.9102 0.9272 5823
Per-entity evaluation
Number of sentences: 1389
Number of tokens: 47630
precision recall f1-score support
JURISPRUDENCIA 0.8280 0.8324 0.8302 185
ORGANIZACAO 0.8804 0.8084 0.8429 501
LOCAL 0.8000 0.6809 0.7356 47
PESSOA 0.8510 0.7597 0.8027 233
LEGISLACAO 0.9418 0.9418 0.9418 378
TEMPO 0.8838 0.9115 0.8974 192
micro avg 0.8837 0.8457 0.8643 1536
macro avg 0.8827 0.8457 0.8631 1536