An 8 bit homebrew computer
For this project I've taken inspiration from existing CPUs I read about. Mainly the 6502, 6809, BMOW1, and Gigatron. The final system should have capabilities similar to or exceeding the original NES and C64. Take a look at the Project Goals here.
- Architecture Diagram
- 8Mhz Clock Speed
- 8bit ALU with ADD, SUB, AND, OR, XOR
- 1MB RAM (Bank Switched)
- 1 (8-bit) Accumulator
- 2 (8-bit) Index Registers
- 1 (16-bit) Address Register
- 1 (16-bit) Program Counter
- 1 (16-bit) Stack Pointer
- 1 (16-bit) User Index Register
- Movable Zero Page
- Compatible with 6502 Assembly ( *Mostly )
- 320x240 VGA Graphics with 8 bit color
- Tiled Background:
- Tiles: 8px/8px
- 40x30 tiles
- Each tile can have up to 16 colors from a palette
- Each tile can choose from 8 palettes
- Smooth scrolling
- Sprites:
- Sprites: 8px/8px
- 256 Sprites per screen
- Sprites can have up to 16 colors from a palette
- Each sprite can choose from 8 palettes
- All sprites can move on each frame
- Possible framebuffer mode for full resolution graphics