week 1
- Orientation
week 2
- 1 Web Development Basics
- Web Fundamentals
- The Command Line
- The IDE
- Using Git to Collaborate
- Github
week 3
2 Software Engineering and Web Design
- Agile Web Development
- Principles of Software Engineering
- Introduction to Product Design
- Introduction to User Experience (UX)
- The Design Process
- Elements of Visual Design
- Building and Using Mockups
3 Markup and Styling
- 3.1
- Pseudocoding
- 3.1
week 4
3 Markup and Styling
- 3.2
- CSS3 and SASS preprocessing
- Developer Tools
- Debugging Markup
- 3.2
4 JavaScript Programming
- 4.1 JavaScript Fundamentals, part 1
- Hello, world!
- Code structure
- The modern mode, "use strict"
- Variables
- Intro to Data types
- Type Conversions
- Operators
- 4.1 JavaScript Fundamentals, part 1
week 5
- 4 JavaScript Programming
4.2 JavaScript Fundamentals, part 2
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
- Conditional operators: if, '?'
- Loops: while and for
- The "switch" statement
4.3 Data types Methods
- String methods
- Number methods
- Array methods
- Date methods
- Objects
4.4 Functions
- Functions
- Function expressions and arrows
- Functional Programming
week 6
- 4 JavaScript Programming
- OOP javascript
- SOLID Design Principles
- The Module Pattern
- This, Scope and Closures
- Javascript DOM(events and effects)
- jQuery
- Error Handling
- Refactoring and Debugging
- Namespacing
- ES6
week 7
- 5 React + Redux
- Overview of Frontend Frameworks
- Templating Frameworks
- Frontend Data Modeling
- The React Environment
- Components and State
- Props
- Routing
- Redux vs Context API
- React Hooks
- Webpack
week 8
6 Data Modeling
- Data Relationships
- Designing a Data Model
- Data Normalization
- Relational Databases
- Alternative Databases
- Entity Relationship Modeling (ERM)
7 Working with SQL
- 7.1
- Working with Database Schemas
- Create-Read-Update-Destroy (CRUD)
- Joins
- Aggregate Functions and Groups
- Sub Queries
- 7.1
8 Working with NoSQL
- Serialization
- Modelling NoSQL data
- Document Databases (MongoDB)
- NoSQL Best Practices
week 9
9 NodeJS
- 9.1
*Server-Side JavaScript
- JavaScript Build Processes
- Event Loop and Emitters
- File System Interaction
- 9.1
*Server-Side JavaScript
10 Express + APIs
- HTTP in Depth
- Calling APIs
- Reading API documentation
- Basic API Authentication
- ExpressJS
- Building your own APIs (CRUD)
- API-Based Sign-In with SDKs
- Uploading to Amazon S3
week 10
10 Express + APIs
- 10.4
- Deploying JavaScript Applications
- 10.4
11 Building Resilient Software Application for Scale (Introduction)
- Overview of resilient applications
- Concepts of Microservices
- Service Discovery and Security
- Messaging/Communication between two Systems - Protocols involve
- Scaling Application Layer
- Scaling Database Layer
- Application documentation (ad-on)