This Blueprint helps you structure your translation files in the same way as your component tree.
Small file, reusable and structured.
Not yet documented
Not yet documented
The tpk-component has as argument by default the structure "POD" and the language of the translation file and by default to "fr"
To create a component ember g component foo
This will create in addition to the template and integration test a file "fr-fr.yaml"
If you need to create a translation file alone, the blueprint translation is there for that!
Ditto "POD" and "fr" are its default arguments
The pod argument is required for translations, it won't work without
Yaml file name is dynamic, you can pass in options another language
ember g component foo --language us
Will give you as file "us-us.yaml"
This tpk-component functions exactly like the original blueprint component. No more need to specify "--pod".
Need more information about options ?
ember g component --help
Deleting a component will also delete its translation file.
ember d component foo
In ember-intl.js
must be true for ember-intl to work properly.
wrapTranslationsWithNamespace: true
See documentation: