- WeShare
- Name of project: WeShare
- Team name: BetterTogether
- Collaborators: Tyler Holstein Tiba Al Anssari, Lisette Isais, John Le, Samuel Shiau
- App Description: Our app functions as a basic blog post application that caters to the elderly and helps them stay in touch within the community
- Known bugs:
- Login info: Username: ok, Password: ok
- Versions: Java 8 and Scenebuilder 2
- Clone Project:
- Download git
- Open git
- within git cd into the folder you want to place the project in
- In git type: git clone https://github.com/leestorm4520/CS3443_Project_Group3.git
- Run the Project:
- Open eclipse
- To open project click File>Open Projects from File System>select Directory>Finish
- Open Main.java
- Run the program to view our application