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[Visual Testing] Add documentation for the testing mechanism #25

[Visual Testing] Add documentation for the testing mechanism

[Visual Testing] Add documentation for the testing mechanism #25

  • percy_tests requires an approval to start deploying changes

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    View pending deployments
    requested by KshitijThareja in Percy Visual Tests #25

Triggered via pull request August 21, 2024 20:19
synchronize #721
Status Waiting
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  • percy_tests requires an approval to start deploying changes

    View pending deployments

    View pending deployments
    requested by KshitijThareja in Percy Visual Tests #25


on: pull_request_target
Path match check
Path match check
Frontend Visual Tests
Frontend Visual Tests
percy_tests waiting for review
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Reviewers, timers, and other rules protecting deployments in this run
Event Environments Comment
requested review
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