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Airspace Desktop


Copy node-webkit to your /opt/local or C:\Libraries-x86_vc141, depending on your OS (i.e.):

sudo cp -r ~/Downloads/node-webkit-v*.*.*-osx-ia32/ /opt/local/Libraries/node-webkit-v*.*.*-osx-ia32/

If you want to run tests, copy chromedriver to the same directory as the node-webkit binary

sudo cp -r ~/Downloads/chromedriver2_server /opt/local/Libraries/node-webkit-v*.*.*-osx-ia32/

Running (dev mode)

Copy over oauth2 access token from production central:

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('select * from oauth2_clients limit 1').to_a

In to your local database:

Devise::Oauth2Providable::Client.create!(name: 'launcher', redirect_uri: 'http://local.leapmotion:3010/', website: '') { |c| c.identifier='73fde9aa45ef818ecb137aeacd886253'; c.secret='8daf22818f30f4a9f86201d1b276b39c' }

Or staging:

Devise::Oauth2Providable::Client.create!(name: 'launcher', redirect_uri: '', website: '') { |c| c.identifier='73fde9aa45ef818ecb137aeacd886253'; c.secret='8daf22818f30f4a9f86201d1b276b39c' }
    # add these in .bashrc

    # localhost
    alias airspace='cd $HOME/homebase; CENTRAL_URL=http://local.leapmotion:3010/ WAREHOUSE_URL=http://local.leapmotion:5001/  AIRSPACE_URL=http://local.leapmotion:5002/ LEAPHOME_ENV=development bin/airspace'
    alias oobe='cd $HOME/homebase;rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Leap\ Motion/ $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Airspace ; rm -rf $HOME/Applications/AirspaceApps/;  airspace'

    # staging (disabled HTTP Basic Auth)
    alias stairspace='cd $HOME/homebase; CENTRAL_URL= WAREHOUSE_URL= AIRSPACE_URL= LEAPHOME_ENV=staging bin/airspace'
    alias stoobe='cd $HOME/homebase;rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Leap\ Motion/ $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Airspace ; rm -rf $HOME/Applications/AirspaceApps/; stairspace'

    # production
    alias prairspace='cd $HOME/homebase;bin/airspace'
    alias proobe='cd $HOME/homebase;rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Leap\ Motion/ $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Airspace ; rm -rf $HOME/Applications/AirspaceApps/; prairspace'

    # use the airspace alias for localhost (have central and warehouse running)

All staging and dev machines seem to be using sandbox 1 for pubnub.


node bin/test [test_file1 [test_file2] ...]

Running without specifying test file(s) will run the entire set of test suites.


If this is your first install OR the package.json file has changed which modules are included (or their version number), run

npm install

If it's a release build, first run:

node bin/release [version]

To build, run:

node bin/build

Outputs to: build/

Building for Windows requires building on Windows, unfortunately.


Use the Konami code to open the debugger in production.

App Manifest

See config/non-store-app-manifest.json.

Get s3cmd, and configure it with the correct credentials for the lm-assets S3 bucket (ask Josh Hull if you don't have them).

Upload with:

s3cmd put -P config/non-store-app-manifest.json s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/non-store-app-manifest-v2.json

Builtin tiles can be uploaded with:

s3cmd put -P static/images/icons/community-icon.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/
s3cmd put -P static/images/icons/store-icon.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/
s3cmd put -P static/images/tiles/community-tile.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/
s3cmd put -P static/images/tiles/store-tile.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/
s3cmd put -P static/images/tiles/gesture-tile.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/documentation-tile.png
s3cmd put -P static/images/tiles/magic-tile.png s3://lm-assets/airspace-desktop/orientation-tile.png


  • 64-bit Ubuntu requires 32-bit GTK libs: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk. On newer versions, you'll need to run sudo ln -sf /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ after installation.
  • If RCEDIT.exe fails, make sure your virus scanner has the build folder listed as an exception- they scan files as they're created, and this causes access violations when RCEDIT goes to change the icon.
  • You may want to set ulimit -n 1200 on OS X to get around the low default max number of open files. (In release builds, this gets done automatically.)

Get ahXXXX version

 git log --reverse --oneline | cat -n