A React Native app built with Expo that allows users to search for food items and place orders seamlessly.
- Search for various food items.
- Browse through different categories.
- Order food with just a few taps.
Ensure that you have the following installed:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/Food-Ordering-Expo-React-Native.git
cd Food-Ordering-Expo-React-Native
Install the necessary packages:
Using npm:
npm install
Or using Yarn:
yarn install
To start the development server and run the app on your emulator or physical device:
npx expo start
Or if you prefer using Yarn:
yarn expo start
You can then scan the QR code generated in your terminal using the Expo Go app on your device or run the app on an emulator.
To run the app on an emulator:
- Android: Make sure you have an Android emulator running (Android Studio is recommended).
- iOS: You need to have Xcode installed and an iOS simulator open.
Once the emulator is set up, you can use the following commands to open the app:
npx expo start --android
npx expo start --ios
To build the app for production:
npx expo build:android
npx expo build:ios
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the build process.