I just learned that since v5.0 Cucumber.js supports promises out-of-the-box. I haven't tried it yet, but from the docs it seems that it works just as one would expect. So instead of using sugar-step you should probably just upgrade your cucumber.js. :)
Syntactic sugar for handling asynchronous step definitions in cucumber-js
The idea is that instead of this
Given /^I have a trivial, synchronous step$/, (callback) ->
And /^there is also non-trivial, asynchronous stuff$/, (callback) ->
() ->
(err) ->
you would generally prefer to write this instead:
Given /$I have a trivial, synchronous step^/, ->
And /$there is also a non-trivial, asynchronous stuff^/, ->
But out-of-the-box, cucumber-js won't let you do that, so I started looking for a solution. If you are like me and
- you use promises a lot
- you like your step definitions short
then this one may be just for you.
For a more detailed explanation of the How and the Why, please refer to the implementation.
npm install sugar-step
Something like this:
SugarStep = require 'sugar-step'
module.exports = ->
# wrap the original step definition directive
Given = When = Then = SugarStep @defineStep
# ... and you're good to go
Given /^I have (\d+) cukes in my belly$/, (numberOfCukes) ->
# etc.