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Frontend Mentor - FAQ accordion card solution

Table of contents

Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep.


The challenge

Create an accordion style faq where clicking on one question will display and the response(or answer) and then when when you click on another question. The previous question will close and open the new response


--> Desktop screenshot --> Desktop active screenshot --> mobile screenshot -->Mobile active screenshot

My process

Built with

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JS

What I learned

Boy oh boy, This project is from a website called frontend mentor under the easy/beginner section and this one was certainly compared to the other easy/beginner but those only utilized HTML and CSS. So the fact that this was considered beginner certainly intimates me for their other projects. So in the end I had follow someone else's code in order to understand the process, really greta that I will linke below. I learned how to really take notes before starting to code instead of just rushing into a project as it greatly effects the duration of the project. Along with that, learning how to reverse engineer code and utilizing the internet in order to find a solution.

Useful resources

[] Part 1-Coder Coder: Building an accordion with HTML,CSS,JS video [] Part 2-Coder Coder: Building an accordion with HTML,CSS,JS video


  • Website - [Coming Soon]
  • Frontend Mentor - [@Lastorbit]
  • GitHub - @last-orbit