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This repository contains code to download, process, and quality check the NOAA's Surface Precipitation Rate product for use with RainyDay which performs stochastic storm transposition using gridded rainfall products. The repository also contains code for comparing the radar rainfall data with a gage network.

Data access:

  • Dropbox folder with a sample of MRMS data from 09/22/2009 and 03/06/2019. The temporal resolution of pre-2012 data is 5-minute and post-2012 is 2-minute.
  • The full dataset can be made available upon request but sharing requires a Globus subscription

Key processing steps

  • Downloading and unzipping .grib and netcdf files from multiple sources
  • Combining the files into daily netcdf files for usability and transferability. Steps include:
    • Quantify the number of missing timesteps each day
    • Ensure consistent variable, dimension, coordinate, and attribute names
    • Verify units and ensure they are clearly documented within the netcdf
    • Other helpful attributes are added the contain information regarding:
      • The source of the data
      • Number of missing timesteps for that day
      • A warnings attribute that documents:
        • Changes in the grid coordinates from timestep to timestep
        • Whether the data for that day conform to a standard timestep (2 or 5 minutes)
        • Number of missing timesteps
        • Whether the original grid coordinates of the raw data are identical to the grid coordinates of the most recent raw data file
      • A problems attribute that should be blank for most dataset but contains detailed descriptions of potential issues identified in the script like mis-assigned units
    • Negative values used to represent missing or fill values are all assigned a value of nan
    • Rainfall intensities of above 9,000 mm/hr are converted to nan
    • Fill missing timesteps with nan values
    • Ensure that the latitude and longitude coordinates align with the most recent timestep downloaded
      • Where there are differences, assign the most recent latitude and longitude coordinates to the file and log the shift and the original coordinates as an attribute
    • Shift the latitude and longitude coordinates so they represent the upper left corner of each gridcell


  • Because the original data has a file for each 2-minute timestep, adding up to millions of files, an HPC was needed to download and process this data
  • All in all, it took days of processing time

How to use:

  • If you are interested in using one of the data products, the easiest thing would be to reach out to me and we can figure out the best way to transfer ~3.5TB of data
  • If you would like to reproduce the process to download and process the data yourself:
    1. Clone the repository
    2. In /scripts/hpc/, change the assar_dirs[repo] variable to match the filepath of the cloned repository
    3. In /scripts/hpc/, run the shell scripts in alphabetical order starting at aa_... through at least da_... to produce the primary output, mrms_nc_preciprate_fullres_dailyfiles (see Outputs for more description)

Data Inputs


  • Datasets
    • The format is [source]_[type]_[data]_[timestep]_[file aggregation]_[other qualifiers]
    • CONUS
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_fullres_dailyfiles
        • main output; contains a daily netcdf with the full resolution MRMS data
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_hourly_dailyfiles
        • daily netcdfs aggregated to an hourly timestep
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_daily_dailyfiles
        • daily netcdfs aggregated to a daily timestep
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_daily_yearlyfiles
        • yearly netcdfs aggregated to daily timestep
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_fullres_yearlyfiles_zipped
        • containis yearly zip folders containing the main output, mrms_nc_preciprate_fullres_dailyfiles
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_yearly_singlefile
        • single netcdf of yearly rainfall totals
    • Spanning user defined gage network
      • mrms_nc_preciprate_fullres_yearlyfiles_subset-over-gage-network
        • yearly netcdfs of full resolution MRMS data subset as a rectangle over over the gage network plus a 5-gridcell buffer on all 4 sides
      • mrms_csv_preciprate_fullres_yearlyfiles_subset-over-gage-network
        • yearly csv files of full resolution MRMS at gridcells overlapping gages
  • Plots
    • h_annual_statistics
      • Annual rainfall totals and annual rainfall anomolies (difference from mean)
    • Plots of rain gage MRMS comparisons


Note: for both plots, robust=True, meaning the 2nd and 98th percentiles were used for determining the color bar.

Annual Rainfall Totals

annual totals

Annual Rainfall Anomolies (difference from the mean)

annual anaomolies

Gage vs. MRMS Data Comparisons

Aggregate comparisons




Event-based comparisons

Time Series Comparisons




Spatially Distributed Comparisons




Information from personal correspondence:

  • Jian Zhang from the National Severe Storms Laboratory
    • There have been changes to the algorithms for computing surface precipitation rates from radar reflectivity readings. From 1/1/2014 through 9/30/2020, the precipitation product is based on version 10.5-11.5 (; from 10/1/2020 to the present, the product is based on version version 12-12.1 (
    • All timesteps are in UTC
    • There should be no IP issues in making my reprocessed MRMS data publically available as long as the original sources are cited
    • The 2001-2011 and 2015-current data have coordinates representing the center of each gridcell
    • The center of the northwestern gridcell for these data should be at 54.995N,129.995W and the center of the southeastern corner grid cell should be at 20.005N, 60.005W
  • Daryl Herzmann at the Iowa Environmental Mesonet
    • Data from 2012-August of 2013 are indeed missing
    • The quantized PNGs from August 2013 through 2014 are the only records for that time period.

Other notes:


Code to download and process the NOAA's Surface Precipitation Rate product (







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