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fast-scss for font-end sass project.

Browser global default style has been reset for you, see it at fast-scss/_index.scss at main · laoer536/fast-scss (

How to use

  • pnpm

    pnpm install fast-scss -D
  • npm

    npm install fast-scss -D
  • yarn

    yarn add fast-scss -D


  • vite

    export default defineConfig({
      css: {
        preprocessorOptions: {
          scss: {
            additionalData: `@use "fast-scss" as *;`,
    <style lang="scss">
    @use 'sass:map';
    /* The following are the shortcuts provided by fast-scss */
    p {
      @include more-line-ellipsis(1);
      background-color: get-color($rose, 500, 0.3);
      color: map.get($orange, 600);

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