A repository for storing some of the critical analyses for papers I have read.
- Effective and Generalizable Graph-Based Clustering for Faces in the Wild
- Clustering Millions of Faces By Identity
- Face Clustering - Representation And Pairwise Constraints
- Chinese Whispers - An Efficient Graph Clustering Algorithm
- Deep learning
- Learning internal representations by error propagation
- A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets
- Deep sparse rectifier neural networks
- Dropout: a Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization
- ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-scale Image Recognition
- A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning
- LSTM A Search Space Odyssey
- Unsupervised Recognition of Parking Lot Areas
- A Vehicle Parking Detection Method Using Image Segmentation
- A method of Parking space detection based on image segmentation and LBP
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Detection Framework for Parking Space Detection
- Extracting Parking Lot Structures from Aerial Photographs
- A Transfer Learning approach to parking lot
- Parking Lot Analysis and Visualization from Aerial Images
- A Method for Camera Vision Based Parking Spot Detection
- Extraction of Parking Lot Structure From Aerial Image In Urban Areas
- Self Supervised Aerial Image Analysis for Extracting Parking Lot Structure
- Plenty of room at the bottom
- Logical reversibility of computation
- Quantum mechanical computers
- The Physical Implementation of Quantum Computation
- Information, physics, quantum: The search for links
- A single quantum cannot be cloned
- Quantum theory, the church–turing principle and the universal quantum computer
- Machines, logic and quantum physics