This is a community-maintained repository that contains resources for deploying Langfuse on Kubernetes.
We provide a Helm chart that helps you deploy Langfuse on Kubernetes.
Note that the Helm installation must be named langfuse
for the chart to work correctly with the default values.yaml.
The following environment variables must be provided via langfuse.additionalEnv
to configure Redis/Valkey, S3, and ClickHouse.
See the values.yaml file for more information and an example.
Replace langfuse
in the values with your installation name in case you changed it.
value: "redis://default:changeme@langfuse-valkey-primary:6379/0"
value: "clickhouse://langfuse-clickhouse:9000"
value: "http://langfuse-clickhouse:8123"
value: "default"
value: "changeme"
# S3 / MinIO
value: "true"
value: "langfuse"
value: "auto"
value: "minio"
value: "miniosecret"
value: "http://langfuse-minio:9000"
value: "true"
helm repo add langfuse
helm repo update
helm install langfuse langfuse/langfuse
helm repo update
helm upgrade langfuse langfuse/langfuse
The following table lists the useful configurable parameters of the Langfuse chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
langfuse.licenseKey |
Langfuse EE license key. | "" |
langfuse.nextauth.url |
When deploying to production, set the nextauth.url value to the canonical URL of your site. |
http://localhost:3000 |
langfuse.nextauth.secret |
Used to encrypt the NextAuth.js JWT, and to hash email verification tokens. In case the value is set to null , then the default NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variable will not be set. |
changeme | |
Base path for the liveness/readiness probes. Should not include trailing slash. | "" |
langfuse.port |
Port to run Langfuse on | 3000 |
langfuse.salt |
Salt for API key hashing. In case the value is set to null , then the default SALT environment variable will not be set. |
changeme |
langfuse.telemetryEnabled |
Weither or not to enable telemetry (reports basic usage statistics of self-hosted instances to a centralized server). | true |
langfuse.extraContainers |
Dict that allow addition of additional containers | [] |
langfuse.extraInitContainers |
Dict that allow addition of init containers | [] |
langfuse.extraVolumes |
Dict that allow addition of volumes that can be mounted to the containers | [] |
langfuse.extraVolumeMounts |
Dict that mounts extra volumes to the langfuse container | [] |
langfuse.web.replicas |
Number of replicas to start for the web container. Defaults to global replicaCount . |
replicaCount |
langfuse.web.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe. | 20 |
langfuse.web.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for livenessProbe. | 10 |
langfuse.web.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for livenessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.web.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for livenessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.web.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for livenessProbe. | 1 |
langfuse.web.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe. | 20 |
langfuse.web.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for readinessProbe. | 10 |
langfuse.web.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for readinessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.web.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for readinessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.web.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for readinessProbe. | 1 |
langfuse.web.resources |
Set container requests and limits for CPU and memory. | {} |
langfuse.web.hpa.enabled |
Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the web component. | false |
langfuse.web.hpa.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for HPA for the web component. | 1 |
langfuse.web.hpa.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for HPA for the web component. | 2 |
langfuse.web.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for HPA for the web component. | 50 |
langfuse.web.hpa.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Target memory utilization percentage for HPA for the web component. | null |
langfuse.web.vpa.enabled |
Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) for the web component. | false |
langfuse.web.vpa.controlledResources |
Resources controlled by VPA for the web component. | [] |
langfuse.web.vpa.maxAllowed |
Maximum resource limits allowed by VPA for the web component. | {} |
langfuse.web.vpa.minAllowed |
Minimum resource limits allowed by VPA for the web component. | {} |
langfuse.web.vpa.updatePolicy.updateMode |
Update mode for VPA (e.g., Auto ). |
Auto |
langfuse.web.hostAliases |
Adding records to /etc/hosts in the pod's network. | [] |
langfuse.worker.replicas |
Number of replicas to start for the worker container. Defaults to global replicaCount . |
replicaCount |
langfuse.worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe. | 20 |
langfuse.worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
Period seconds for livenessProbe. | 10 |
langfuse.worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout seconds for livenessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Failure threshold for livenessProbe. | 5 |
langfuse.worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Success threshold for livenessProbe. | 1 |
langfuse.worker.resources |
Set container requests and limits for CPU and memory. | {} |
langfuse.worker.hpa.enabled |
Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the worker component. | false |
langfuse.worker.hpa.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for HPA for the worker component. | 1 |
langfuse.worker.hpa.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for HPA for the worker component. | 2 |
langfuse.worker.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for HPA for the worker component. | 50 |
langfuse.worker.hpa.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Target memory utilization percentage for HPA for the worker component. | null |
langfuse.worker.vpa.enabled |
Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) for the worker component. | false |
langfuse.worker.vpa.controlledResources |
Resources controlled by VPA for the worker component. | [] |
langfuse.worker.vpa.maxAllowed |
Maximum resource limits allowed by VPA for the worker component. | {} |
langfuse.worker.vpa.minAllowed |
Minimum resource limits allowed by VPA for the worker component. | {} |
langfuse.worker.vpa.updatePolicy.updateMode |
Update mode for VPA (e.g., Auto ). |
Auto |
langfuse.additionalEnv |
Dict that allow addition of additional env variables, see documentation for details. | {} |
service.type |
Change the default k8s service type deployed with the application | ClusterIP |
service.port |
Change the default k8s service port deployed with the application | 3000 |
service.nodePort |
Specify the node port if type is NodePort . |
service.additionalLabels |
Add additional annotations to the service deployed with the application | [] |
ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress for the application | false |
ingress.annotations |
Annotation to add to the deployed ingress | [] |
resources |
Set shared container requests and limits for web and worker components (not recommended). | {} |
ingress.hosts |
Hosts to define for the deployed ingress. Effective only if ingress.enabled is set to true |
[] |
postgresql.deploy |
Enable postgres deployment (via Bitnami Helm Chart). If you want to use a postgres server already deployed (or a managed one), set this to false | true |
postgresql.auth.username |
Username to use to connect to the postgres database deployed with Langfuse. In case postgresql.deploy is set to true , the user will be created automatically. |
postgres |
postgresql.auth.password |
Password to use to connect to the postgres database deployed with Langfuse. In case postgresql.deploy is set to true , the password will be set automatically. |
postgres |
postgresql.auth.database |
Database name to use for Langfuse. | langfuse | |
If postgresql.deploy is set to false, hostname of the external postgres server to use (mandatory) |
nil |
postgresql.directUrl |
If postgresql.deploy is set to false, Connection string of your Postgres database used for database migrations. Use this if you want to use a different user for migrations or use connection pooling on DATABASE_URL. For large deployments, configure the database user with long timeouts as migrations might need a while to complete. |
nil |
postgresql.shadowDatabaseUrl |
If your database user lacks the CREATE DATABASE permission, you must create a shadow database and configure the "SHADOW_DATABASE_URL". This is often the case if you use a Cloud database. Refer to the Prisma docs for detailed instructions. | nil |
postgresql.primary.persistence.size |
Disk request for the postgres database deployed with Langfuse. Effective only if postgresql.deploy is set to true |
8Gi |
postgresql.primary.persistence.storageClass |
Disk PVC Storage Class for the postgres database deployed with Langfuse. Effective only if postgresql.deploy is set to true |
`` |
clickhouse.deploy |
Enable ClickHouse deployment (via Bitnami Helm Chart). If you want to use an external Clickhouse server (or a managed one), set this to false | true |
clickhouse.shards |
Number of shards to use for the ClickHouse cluster. Must be set to 1. | 1 |
clickhouse.replicaCount |
Number of replicas to use for the ClickHouse cluster. 1 corresponds to a single, non-HA deployment. Set CLICKHOUSE_CLUSTER_ENABLED=false if you go for a non-replicated setup. | 3 |
clickhouse.resourcesPreset |
Resource preset for Bitnami Helm chart. | 2xlarge |
clickhouse.auth.username |
Username for the ClickHouse user. | default |
clickhouse.auth.password |
Password for the ClickHouse user. | changeme |
valkey.deploy |
Enable valkey deployment (via Bitnami Helm Chart). If you want to use a Redis or Valkey server already deployed, set to false. | true |
valkey.architecture |
Architecture for the valkey deployment. Should be standalone . |
standalone |
valkey.primary.extraFlags |
Extra flags for the valkey deployment. Must include --maxmemory-policy noeviction . |
--maxmemory-policy noeviction |
valkey.auth.password |
Password for the valkey cluster. | changeme |
minio.deploy |
Enable MinIO deployment (via Bitnami Helm Chart). If you want to use a custom BlobStorage, e.g. S3, set to false. | true |
minio.defaultBuckets |
Default buckets to create with the MinIO deployment. | langfuse |
minio.auth.rootUser |
Name of the MinIO root user. | minio |
minio.auth.rootPassword |
Password for the MinIO root user. | miniosecret |
extraManifests |
Dict that allow addition of additional k8s resources | [] |
url: http://localhost:3000
secret: changeme
salt: changeme
telemetryEnabled: true
type: ClusterIP
additionalLabels: []
enabled: false
annotations: []
deploy: false
username: postgres
password: changeme
database: langfuse
directUrl: postgres://user:[email protected]
shadowDatabaseUrl: postgres://user:[email protected]
url: http://localhost:3000
secret: changeme
salt: changeme
telemetryEnabled: true
type: ClusterIP
enabled: false
deploy: true
password: changeme
enabled: true
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
annotations: []
With an external Postgres server with client certificates using own secrets and additionalEnv for mappings
salt: null
secret: null
- name: db-keystore # referencing an existing secret to mount server/client certs for postgres
secretName: langfuse-postgres # contain the following files (server-ca.pem, sslidentity.pk12)
- name: db-keystore
mountPath: /secrets/db-keystore # mounting the db-keystore store certs in the pod under the given path
readOnly: true
- name: DATABASE_URL # Using the certs in the url eg. postgresql://the-db-user:the-password@postgres-host:5432/langfuse?ssl=true&sslmode=require&sslcert=/secrets/db-keystore/server-ca.pem&sslidentity=/secrets/db-keystore/sslidentity.pk12&sslpassword=the-ssl-identity-pw
name: langfuse-postgres # referencing an existing secret
key: database-url
name: langfuse-general # referencing an existing secret
key: nextauth-secret
- name: SALT
name: langfuse-general
key: salt
deploy: false
password: null
username: null
This is going to add a record to the /etc/hosts file of all containers under the langfuse-web pod in such a way that every traffic towards "" is going to be forwarded to the localhost network.
- ip:
- ""
directory contains exampleyaml
directory contains Helm chart for deploying Langfuse with an associated database
Please feel free to contribute any improvements or suggestions.
Langfuse deployment docs: