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Lambada is a very opinionated set of tools and frameworks put together to speed up developer productivity.

We believe in "true" Infrastructure as Code, Replicable development environments, Integration Testing, Security, and Serverless.


Let's say we want to put all these together:

  • API Gateway
  • DynamoDB Table
  • Lambda to get list of TODO with
    • Readonly (Query) Access to the table
  • CloudFront

We can get it in seconds with the following script:

const result = run(projectName, environment, {
    endpointDefinitions: [
        (context) => ({
            path: '/todos',
            method: 'GET',
            callbackDefinition: async (event) => ({ result: [] }), // Just a callback with whatever data as body
            resources: [{ // When we set access on a resource, we inject the env var with the final name
                table: context.databases?.todos,
                access: [ LambdaResourceAccess.DynamoDbQuery ],
    createOptionsForCors: true, // Want to have cors of all lambdas? Done
    tables: {
        'todos': {
            name: 'todos', // Will have a final name of {name}-{environment}
            primaryKey: 'userId',
            rangeKey: 'id',
            envKeyName: 'TODOS_TABLE_NAME' // To get the actual table name on runtime
    cdn: {
        useCDN: true // Want to have Cloudfront on top? Done


Running npm create @lambada will bootstrap:

  • DevContainer configuration
  • Docker Compose with:
    • Dockerfile to dev on, with:
      • Node
      • AWS-SDK V2
      • Latest Pulumi CLI
    • DynamoDb container image
  • Pre-populated package.json with:
    • AWS-SDK
    • Pulumi-SDK
    • @lambada/core
  • Example run configuration with a health endpoint.