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To-do list app with scheduling capabilities for personal usage.

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What is this project?

ownyourday is a todo-list app with scheduling functionality for recurring tasks on a weekly basis. I use this to keep myself accountable to my long term goals (weightlifting, running, reading) alongside allowing me to add todos for myself on a day-to-day basis.

Moreover, developing and operating this application lets me experiment with new practices and hone what my existing techniques.

The application exists at

Project dependencies

  • ruby 3.1.2
  • node 18 (local development only)
  • pnpm to install javascript toolchain dev dependencies (local development only)
  • docker for running postgres locally
  • make for running commonly used commands via Makefile
  • postgres for dependencies of the pg gem

You can either install these dependencies using your method of choice or leverage nix with direnv.

How do I set up my dev environment?

With Nix

Tentatively supporting using Nix to manage the developer environment. You will need direnv and nix installed on your machine.

See this blog post for a good explanation on how to set this up on your machine and why.

If you're feeling lazy, the commands to run are:

# enable nix flakes
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/nix"
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

# install nix
sh <(curl -L

# install direnv
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
echo 'eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"

# then restart your shell and cd into the directory
direnv allow

Upon subsequently entering the directory all project depenendencies should be present in your PATH as defined in the flake.nix

Without direnv and Nix

The old fashioned way. Up to you to install the relevant dependencies using your preferred method of choice.

How do I get it running on my machine?

  • bundler config --with-pg-config=$(which pg_config)
    • Only required if you're using nix
    • This ensures we're using the pg_config specified in our flake.nix
  • bundler
  • pnpm install
  • make up
  • Optional: bin/rails db:create and bin/rails:db:migrate if this is your first time running the app
  • Optional: make seed if you want to seed a default user and its data
  • make serve
  • Optional: Login with [email protected] and Qweqwe1!


To-do list app with scheduling capabilities for personal usage.







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