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The application and model-training code to create canihasashowplz. This a television show recommendation system leveraging machine learning to provide users with recommendations based on their input show preferences. I developed it as a learning exercise to explore mlops, data science, and to solve the recurring dilemma whenever my spouse and I finish whatever we're watching together. Previous Jupyter notebook exploration and web scraping code can be found in this repo.

Project architecture

Model serving and service-APIs


    Client(Client SPA)

    APIGW(Api Gateway)

    PredictionAck(Prediction Ack fn)
    PredictionWorker(Prediction Worker fn)
    PredictionPoller(Prediction Polling fn)
    ModelServingEndpoint(Model Serving Endpoint)
    ModelInference(Model Inference image) 
    ShowTable(Show Table)
    RatingTable(Rating Table)
    PredictionTable(Prediction Table)
    PredictionRequestQueue(Prediction Request Queue)

    Client --> APIGW
    APIGW --> Client

    APIGW -->|Request| PredictionAck
    PredictionAck -->|PredictionId| APIGW
    PredictionAck -->|Get show ids| ShowTable
    PredictionAck -->|Request| PredictionRequestQueue
    PredictionRequestQueue -->|Request| PredictionWorker
    PredictionWorker -->|Writes rating| RatingTable
    PredictionWorker -->|Gets prediction| ModelServingEndpoint
    PredictionWorker -->|Writes prediction| PredictionTable
    ModelServingEndpoint --> ModelInference
    ModelInference --> Model
    PredictionPoller -->|Polls for result| PredictionTable
    APIGW -->|Polls| PredictionPoller
    PredictionPoller -->|Responds with prediction| APIGW

Clients make a request, are given a prediction id in response, and then the front end polls until the prediction is processed. Since predictions can take >30 seconds, we need to process the request in the background and respond when we have the information from the model.

Model training


    RatingTable(Rating Table)
    RatingsBucket(Ratings bucket)
    ModelBucket(Model bucket)
    RatingsExporter(Ratings Export fn)
    ModelTrainer(Model Trainer fn)
    ModelTraining(Model Training image)
    RatingTable(Rating Table)
    subgraph RatingsOutputCsv
        RatingsExporter -->|Reads| RatingTable
    subgraph RatingsBucket
    subgraph ModelTrainingWorkflow
        ModelTrainer -->|Invokes| ModelTraining
        ModelTraining -->|Stores output model| ModelBucket
        ModelBucket --> Model
    Trigger -->|Invokes| RatingsOutputCsv
    RatingsOutputCsv -->|Stores file| RatingsBucket
    RatingsBucket -->|Reads file| ModelTrainingWorkflow

A trigger (currently manually, but eventually a recurring job or some threshold of new ratings being reached) kicks off a data export which is then consumed by our model trainer and outputs a new model using the updated data.

Deployment concerns

A single template.yaml contains all the Cloudformation definitions for service and its dependencies. However, at the moment, deployment is a two-step process (which I will eventually solve with a custom resource or similar).

First, you must deploy the model training architecture, invoke the ratings export function, and then invoke the model training function. These are orchestrated as a set of step functions. Once the job is complete, then you can deploy the model serving architecture. This is due to the SageMaker::Model having a dependency on an artifact in an S3 bucket (i.e., the model output). Further, I have my own data set scraped from the internet which populates the DynamoDB tables for shows and ratings. A blank slate of data won't be especially fun for recommendations.

This is only a concern for the first-time setup of this project. Once that is complete, further changes can be made through make build-staging and make deploy-staging or via CI/CD and pull requests.


A recommender system for television shows.







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