the code should be reusable, you should only keep in mind the environmental variables and a helper scripts like dmenu_pos that might work differently based on operating system or software
dmenu is a program that is a very basic launcher think about this like a menu creator hence the input may very in size I created this script to easily change the coordinates or size of said menu it won't work with a standard version of dmenu as I patched mine to be more flexible
scripts that produce basic output (string) and send a signal to change a state of the system eg. changing the volume with mouse scroll
keep in mind some scripts use other scripts or programs such as 7z (for archives) or pamixer (for volume)
these are resposible for basic funtionality that an operating system provides out of the box or scripts that are used by other programs eg. my file manager is a tui program that is barely usable but extremely extensible
scripts that are either very simple or it doesn't make sense to use them outside of other scripts eg. delay_step for visual feedback of certain operations or util_loop_cmd that just runs a script in a loop (helpful when constant feedback is necessary)