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01 ‐ Installation

LRVT edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 56 revisions

VocherVault builds and releases multi-arch Docker images automatically via a GitHub CI on DockerHub.

Therefore, you can use the pre-build images without building locally yourself.


VoucherVault follows the Conventional Commits specification.

Therefore, you will find patch, minor and major release version tags on DockerHub.

No one stops you from using the latest image tag but I recommend pinning a minor version series tag such as 1.6.x. This is safer for automatic upgrades and you still get recent patches as well as bug fixes.

In short:

  • Small code changes, bug fixes and refactorings will be released by bumping the patch version (e.g. from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2)
  • New features will be released by bumping the minor version (e.g. from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0)
  • Breaking changes will be released by bumping the major version (e.g. from 1.4.1 to 2.0.0)

Docker Compose

Multiple example Docker Compose files are provided in the repo's docker directory.

For an easy installation and most users, it is recommended to use docker-compose-sqlite.yml.

If you want to use a PostgreSQL database engine or implement OIDC SSO, check out the other examples given.

To spawn VoucherVault, follow these steps:

# create volume dir for persisted container data
mkdir -p ./volume-data/database

# adjust permissions
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data volume-data/*

# spawn the container stack
docker compose -f docker-compose-sqlite.yml up

Once the container is up and running, you can access the web portal at


If you access VoucherVault from a different URL than localhost or, you must set your FQDN via the env variable DOMAIN.

Otherwise, you will observe CSRF and/or ALLOWED_HOSTS errors (e.g. bad request (400)).


Instead of defining sensitive secrets as environment variables directly within the docker-compose.yml file, you can make use of a separate env.example file. You can find an example file provided in the docker directory of this repository. This way, you do not disclose secrets in the YAML file itself.

More information here.

The default username is called admin.

The default password is auto-generated. You can obtain the password via container logs:

docker compose -f docker-compose-sqlite.yml logs -f


Environment Variables

The VoucherVault container takes various environment variables:

Variable Description Default Optional/Mandatory
DOMAIN Your Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address. Used to define ALLOWED_HOSTS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS for the Django framework. localhost Mandatory
SECURE_COOKIES Set to True if you use a reverse proxy with TLS. Enables the secure cookie flag and HSTS HTTP response header, which will only work for SSL/TLS encrypted communication channels (HTTPS). False Optional
EXPIRY_THRESHOLD_DAYS Defines the days prior item expiry when an Apprise expiry notification should be sent out. 30 Optional
TZ Defines the TIME_ZONE variable in Django's Europe/Berlin Optional
SECRET_KEY Defines a fixed secret key for the Django framework. If missing, a secure secret is auto-generated on the server-side each time the container starts. <auto-generated> Optional
PORT Defines a custom port. Used to set CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS in conjunction with the DOMAIN environment variable for the Django framework. Only necessary, if VoucherVault is operated on a different port than 8000, 80 or 443. 8000 Optional
REDIS_URL Defines the Redis URL to use for Django-Celery-Beat task processing. redis://redis:6379/0 Optional
OIDC_ENABLED Set to True to enable OIDC authentication. False Optional
OIDC_CREATE_USER Set to True to allow the creation of new users through OIDC. True Optional
OIDC_RP_SIGN_ALGO The signing algorithm used by the OIDC provider (e.g., RS256, HS256). HS256 Optional
OIDC_RP_IDP_SIGN_KEY The signing key used by the OIDC provider. If RS256 signing algo is used, either this or OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT must be defined. None Optional
OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT URL of the JWKS endpoint for the OIDC provider. If RS256 signing algo is used, either this or OIDC_RP_IDP_SIGN_KEY must be defined. None Optional
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID Client ID for your OIDC RP. None Optional
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret for your OIDC RP. None Optional
OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT Authorization endpoint URL of the OIDC provider. None Optional
OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT Token endpoint URL of the OIDC provider. None Optional
OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT User info endpoint URL of the OIDC provider. None Optional
DB_ENGINE Database engine to use (e.g., postgres for PostgreSQL or sqlite3 for SQLite3). sqlite3 Optional
POSTGRES_HOST Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. db Optional
POSTGRES_PORT Port number for the PostgreSQL database. 5432 Optional
POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL database user. vouchervault Optional
POSTGRES_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password. vouchervault Optional
POSTGRES_DB PostgreSQL database name. vouchervault Optional

Docker Volumes

VoucherVault makes use of Docker bind mount volumes.

The Docker Compose files provided declare a single volume mapping. The container's database folder is mapped to the Docker host server.

This is necessary to persist data over container restarts.

Default Location

The default location where the container's database data is mounted on your Docker host server is:


Within this directory on your server, you will find:

  • The db.sqlite3 file if sqlite3 is used as database engine (default)
  • The psql directory, which holds your PostgreSQL database data if postgres is used as database engine
  • The uploads directory, which holds a subdirectory per user with user-specific file uploads (PDFs and images)


The container runs as low-privileged www-data user.

Therefore, you have to ensure proper permissions for the persistent database bind mount volume.

Otherwise, you will get the following errors:

  • sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
  • django.db.utils.OperationalError: unable to open database file

The following command may fix permission issues:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ./volume-data/*

Reverse Proxy

The container exposes an unencrypted HTTP web service on TCP/8000. You can freely proxy to it. No specific setup required. Though, subdomain routing is recommended over path-related routing.

If a reverse proxy is used, you must set:

  • DOMAIN to your FQDN
  • SECURE_COOKIES optionally to True to get HSTS header enabled as well as the Secure cookie flag

Please check out the supported environment variables above for more information.

Unraid Installation

For Unraid users there exists an official community app published by LRVT.


The template XML can be found here.

Install VoucherVault

Choose the community app provided by LRVT and click Install.


  1. Ensure the latest VoucherVault tag is defined at Repository (e.g. 1.5.x).
  2. Fill out your UNRAID IP or subdomain in the DOMAIN environment variable.

Afterwards, click APPLY to spawn the Docker container. This will pull the Docker image and start the container.

Fix Permission Errors

The container will fail to start due to permission issues. That is normal on Unraid OS.

To fix these permission issues, you have to adjust the share permissions and make the www-data user with UID/GID 33 an owner.

Log into Unraid, spawn a terminal shell as root via the UI and execute this command:

chown -R 33:33 /mnt/user/appdata/vouchervault

Then restart the VoucherVault docker container via the UI.


Afterwards, VoucherVault will be available on http://<UNRAID-IP>:8000.

Obtain Login Credentials

The default admin password is auto-generated.

Just inspect the container logs and you will find them.


Install Redis

For expiry notifications to work, you must also spawn a Redis container.

There exists an official community app for Redis:


The redis container must be named redis-vouchervault.


If you do not name the redis container redis-vouchervault, you must adjust the environment variable REDIS_URL in VoucherVault.


Afterwards, just click APPLY to spawn the Redis container.

Now, Redis and VoucherVault will interact with each other and periodic expiry notifications will work.
