Using Breadth-first search algorithm to calculate the shortest path between a given starting position and end position on a chess board.
Right now this is just for a Knight but thanks to its open architecture can easily extend to other pieces using the ChessPiece interface as well as to multiple dimensions and algorithms.
- Java 1.8
$ gradle build installDist
$ cd build/install/chess-shortest-path/bin
$ chess-shortest-path -start E1 -end A7
Note: Positions are in algebraic chess notation
$ cd build/install/chess-shortest-path/bin
$ ./chess-shortest-path
$ ./chess-shortest-path -maxMoves 3
$ gradle build run -Dexec.args="-start E1 -end A7"
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
C2 A3 B5 A7
$ gradle build run