# Intro
RainSense is a web interface for collecting data from sensor-equipped rain barrels. In this README a typical rain barrel set up will be presented.
# Hardware
Arduino Uno- R3 SMD ($30)
Arduino WiFi Shield ($88)
Breadboard ($3)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ($3)
Atlas Scientic pH Kit (www.atlas-scientific.com/product_pages/kits/ph-kit.html) ($130)
Atlas Scientific K 1.0 Conductivity Kit (www.atlas-scientific.com/product_pages/kits/ec_k1_0_kit.html) ($200)
Temperature Sensor (yourduino.com/sunshop2/index.php?l=product_detail&p=151) ($4)
Hardware total cost: $459
# Setup
Set the IP address for the WiFi shield to send to rainsense.herokuapp.com.